Message from @Ronny TX
Discord ID: 333630535890894860
Watch "BLACK THUG jumps white man and gets KNOCKEDOUT" on YouTube
The video cuts out before you hear the white guy yell out "Put your fucking mouth on the curb!"
I'm just amazed that he didn't call him a nigger. That's some next level self control.
You know, when you totally destroy a person like that, it's not really necessary.
It's implied.
Before the fight the nigger said "ao giv fu nigguh suh mah dih" and the white guy said "idgaf nigger"
Watch "Clint Eastwood: '' I Just Hate Niggers ''" on YouTube
“They use their media to assassinate real news,” “they” tell children that Trump is like Hitler, “they” use movies to repeat “their” narrative.
How could this possibly be antisemitic? 🤔
It's a tacit admission that Hollywood and the Jew York Times are run by Jews
Watch "Not a single Jew died in a gas chamber Holocaust revisionism" on YouTube
Hey, they said it, not us
We would've said it too, of course, but they can't lay all the blame on us. The rats aren't hiding in the walls any more.
I have to confess, a portion of me is afraid to say the word "Jew" to people, regardless of context, because I have a habit of kinda spitting it out with disgust, and I'm afraid they'll catch that and know that I hate Jews
LOL i have that habit too
Dude nice
@Ronny TX just say kike and get it over with.
“Now this he said, not because he cared for the poor; but because he was a thief, and having the bag took away what was put therein.”
John 12:6 ASV
What a dirty Jew
“and said, What are ye willing to give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they weighed unto him thirty pieces of silver.”
Matthew 26:15 ASV
This dang kike
“But whoso hath the world’s goods, and beholdeth his brother in need, and shutteth up his compassion from him, how doth the love of God abide in him?”
1 John 3:17 ASV
Fancy printed posters and stickers
Also, speaking of which, **THERE IS A NATIONAL POSTERING EFFORT NEXT WEEKEND ON THE 15th**, See about getting material up on or around that date.
Watch "Oswald Mosley Q & A About British Fascism" on YouTube
@Thomas Ryan we should make patches
We'll get there
"respect the rights of your conrads"
A lot of those seem to be the same things, really.
They actually do pretty well with their "zines" or whatever, I think they mention them there. Short collections of essays that have persuasive and informative reading material.
We could use some of that specifically for us.
I know this great bookstore near by that can get you all the zines you want. 😂
I'd only be interested to look at the formatting really, not the content. I think we could do with some handy reading material to pass out.
This is a fun little read, some nice American art and culture.
More of a Bosch and Blake fan myself.