Message from @Louis Loire - NY
Discord ID: 339110113459830785
underwear (compression shorts have never failed me)
pull end of sock onto each side
@Lebens i have a pack of purification tablets in my first aid kit as well.
This is a good starter book. Lots of great info on here. But you can't just read this and expect to be able to do it, you have to go out and actually practice these things. I'm not suggesting you go out in the woods Bear Grylls style. Don't do that lol. But you can make a fire, tie knots, build a shelter, make a water filter out of sand and charcoal all in your back yard if you can or go out camping for the week end and try out some things
Ah, almost forgot the most important item. Baby wipes. Good for cleaning weapons and body. You're not gonna want to use leaves for wiping your ass. I've done this, you don't want this
Tampons for wounds too?
Asking for a friend
@Lebens lol no. I've heard of people having those in their kits but I wouldn't recommend it. Most gun shot wounds are gonna be bigger than that. I have combat gauze in mine. But normal gauze to pack the wound is fine.
That's one of those things that when I hear people bring up in forums I roll my eyes.
@Lebens they make quick clot plungers that can fill deep wounds easily.
some medics refer to them as "tampons"
Thought he was talking about literal tampons. Some people unironically have those in their kit
What I have.
combat gauze is great stuff if anyone cannot find it due to it being a surplus item the regular quick clot or celox products are essentially the same thing
@Louis Loire - NY it is great stuff. I've got more than I know what to do with cause I saved all my first aid stuff from the military.
same I "acquired" quite a bit of supplies before my ETS
@Louis Loire - NY nice someone got the joke
I look forward to learning other branches techniques. The navy didn't go very in depth on these things with my rate
Any opinion on this or similar products
I've got so much knowledge I want to lay down but I don't want to overwhelm people I thought these looked pretty interesting, I just don't know if it's worth it over getting a normal tarp
any surplus poncho is good stuff because you can also use it as a shelter if its made the same way the US ones are
if you don't already have a "woobie" (US poncho liner) get one now
@Louis Loire - NY poncho liner is love. Poncho liner is life
Sleep with mine every night.
I sleep with mine often its the best piece of gear the military has ever made
@Louis Loire - NY dude no shit. It was always the perfect temperature. Bay far the best piece of gear I was ever issued
Yeah, I love my poncho liner 💯
The wubby
@Mark Vandal IIRC (it's been 9 years now, or so) that particular brand of quick clot gauze (from your pic) we stopped carrying in combat due to a recall because it was "burning" itself to wounds, causing more trauma to the effected area. It LOOKS just like the ones we had when doc came around and changed all ours out. Maybe look into it, I dunno...or maybe manufacturer has fixed that prob since then.
@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL that is what I was issued as of less than a year and half ago
that was an old compound used as a homeostatic agent it was replaced long ago
most quick clot stuff will say NO HEAT now because of that
good then, didn't know if was old pic or not