Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 433015257691193365
-Having achieved position by nepotism
@everyone The entire staff will be reorganized including the joint marshall system
Consider this a permanent change of power, server dynamics and hopeful rebirth of the server in all
Details on this event will be released in the following hours
Any opposing force to this change shall be met with by sufficient response
In addition to Luxs incompetence there have been multiple other reasons to warrant the lack of trust in him aswell as the doubt in competence and desire for the better of the server
Below are screenshotted pieces of evidence
And thunderfashs doubts
Lux is a member who behind the scenes has conspired and fed information to permanently banned user Peter, who was banned for consistent breaking of rules amongst other things. Excerpts from Lux and Silver have been leaked from inside council to peter which is a direct breach of the privacy,confidentiality, and trust, the council was supposed to provide.
In addition following changes will include radical and quality changes for the common user in an effort to repair the situation the userbase is in right now, the server is to be reorganized channel wise and in general be made into a more user friendly platform for the 20AD community
@everyone Server is going to undergo **MAJOR** changes tonight, many channels **EXCLUDING** <#413375446680600577> <#413375474358681622> and <#417788301794344960> will be deleted.
@everyone The final ex moderators of the staff team have Either abdicated their position or were purged. The new order of 20AD plans to **MOVE ON** from this occurrence and leave this event behind to focus on more important goals rather than to focus on insignificant online drama.
@everyone In the following days you could expect our means to achieve said goals to come to fruition