Message from @hootersforshooters
Discord ID: 642376756590018581
Do you even know what mercury is and what it does?
Do you?
i surely do
chemistry student here
eating mercury can lead to mercury poisoning
now what's your argument exactly?
One of the anti vac arguments are that a vaccine has mercury in it so we shouldn’t take them so I’m saying that by that logic you shouldn’t eat apples
@hootersforshooters awfully quiet over there
@smallyoda111 i agree with you
odd how it doesn't make sense
almost as if
the antivaxx movement was crap 😮
now that's mind blowing
@Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach "how is eating the amount of mercury in an apple less dangerous than injecting a vaccine"
Such a surprise
Mercury affects you even when you make hats out of it (that’s where the term mad hatter came from because hat makers got mercury poisoning)
@hootersforshooters you're saying the mercury in a vaccine is dangerous. you consume more mercury by eating an apple than by injecting a vaccine. you say "oooh you can't compare eating an apple to injecting something" and i'm saying that you can get a mercury poisoning by eating mercury as well, so why don't i get a mercury poisoning when eating an apple, when it's more mercury than in a vaccine (which is supposedly poisoning us)?
i'm not expecting you to answer mate, antivax is pretty much the most stupid movement on the planet (after flat earthers) atm
You don’t even have to come in contact with mercury do you @hootersforshooters?
@Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach
Some student you are....please show me where I made a statement about the effects of mercury? My only position is that comparing eating an apple and injecting vaccines (typically in a baby) is a false comparison. Please don't introduce your own personal bias into this, student.
now tell me why it is a false comparison.
you're not addressing my point whatsoever
@smallyoda111 please justify your comparison before you continue with your own bias.
you're not answering the question
@Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach because you just made a claim and I'm refuting it. So, the onus is on you?
The mercury content in apples is higher then it is in vaccines and do you still feed your baby apple slices? There there is my justification
you can't just say "i refute your claim!" instead of actually answering anything
i have had allergy shot for the majority of my life and have been tested for learning disabilities and i am a normal human being
@smallyoda111 who is feeding apple slices? Your assumption
dude you're not saying anything
It was just an example anything that is a fruit of meat or really anything has mercury in it
you're just saying "i don't agree but i can't explain why!"
the point is that the amount of mercury in a vaccine is so minuscule that it would never matter
and the reasoning is that we eat way more mercury on a daily basis without it hurting us in any way
@Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach here is the issue. The false comparison of eating apples to injecting vaccines because you don't inject apples into your bloodstream, and specifically, forced to inject apples into your bloodstream like vaccines are. So......any other blah blah blah that you're going to Gish Gallop about is irrelevant. Or, can you not handle that?
you can get a mercury poisoning eitherway
what is that argument
Mercury does not need to go into your blood stream to kill you!?!?! What don’t you understand about that?