Message from @Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids
Discord ID: 641457800374911009
It could be an allergic reaction which is actually OVERstimulation
anyways idk why vaccines mess with me i have a pretty good immune system
Also, I was browsing through the stuff and do people actually believe in the South African white genocide?
Vaccines have certain dangers for certain people regardless of what you might believe
It's been show in some of the studies I've read anyways
immunocompromised people
cant have vaccines depending on their condition
Yes Rad
dear mason do you believe that vaccines contain mercury?
Some people can’t get vaccines because they have autoimmune conditions, some are allergic to specific ingredients, etc.
Why are we talking about this in <#484516084846952451> ?
A mod is gonna come and mute us if we don't move lol
Idk, that’s what I wanted to ask too
Let's go to <#484514023698726912>
F for us ig, okay lol
thats what i been wondering just went with it assumed it was related to something i literally never backread
i find it laughable how youre just parrotting propaganda considering that i know its source
not wrong, flat out lying
please, by all means get more vaccines, enjoy the effects
@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids are you going to do a clinical trial on thiomersal?
not that youll bother reading this, i know im wasting my time
Can you only get autism genetically?
i didnt send you an article
you need to learn to read and how to be honest
@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids What would the Gov't gain from giving kids autism?
youre joining their sick propaganda campaign?
@Silly Rabbit, Trix Are For Kids I'm just wondering what the conspiracies motives are.
@🎃Oakheart🎃 dont ping me again
Apologies, I ping to confirm who I am speaking to.
For clarity.