Message from @smallyoda111
Discord ID: 642381352632582154
Ok uplift please prove it
Good friends with hitler I am
not curvd
Like if the world isn’t flat then how would the water stay on earth
Killed Hitler, I did
i triede
@UpliftAura GRAVITY
but was taken away for 10 years
That’s a myth made by the government
this is a joke @UpliftAura
What’s a joke
And why would the government do that.
im no joke!
Because they want us to think the world is round so they can hide their creations on the other side of the flat earth
@UpliftAura go to <#538929818834698260> to see the entire argument which me and a few others made proving that gravity is real
there s only one side
otherwise you fall of\
That’s what the government wants you to think
If you fall off you just pulled all the way to the other side
because youre upsidedown
They have magnetic shoes
hey any genuine flat earthers here? got a question
@Vlad A. please help
i am
p-lease ask
okay then listen up
I’m here
We need to educate these swines
you've surely heard of the hammer-feather experiment which was conducted on the moon
heres the story
and filmed
Don't try
They are hopeless
we didnt go to the mkoom
in a time, before cgi was invented actually
And trolling
about a little guy who lived in a blue world
its something hitler told me when i mey him