Message from @George Baker
Discord ID: 642383609600278541
ok boomer
Ok flat earthers explain lunar eclipses
sometimew the sun stops working because they need to fuel itt
theyuse the suns energy to control jus
That’s a solar eclipse not a lunar eclipse you uneducated swine
but im protected because i use baby oil (True, all illuminati higher ups usew it to avoid their own evil ray)\
Live on sun I do
How old are you approximately George baker?
Turn it off daily my job is
Siphon from the sun for daily energy, I do
20000 he is
So how old were you when ww2 broke out?
if youre really 83 then talk
The oldest human being in the world, George Baker is
killed my mom
You are lying
why i tried to kil hitler in first place in 1996 because he killed my mom\
only there did i learn of his evil illuminati
im not
If you are 83 you would’ve been 13 when ww2 broke out
Potentially a god, George Baker is
Ww2 was 70 years ago
ah i see
some nice person muted me
Crossed with immortal jellyfish he is
christian little kid
why am i not allowed to insult these idiots
Intellectuals we are
1936 may have been when Hitler went to war with chezlovakia but not with Poland in 1939 which is the more common time when ww2 was said to have started
@The Gwench unmute me