Message from @Wood-Ape - OK/MN
Discord ID: 487789567743754240
which obviously hampers the ability of the AI to work properly
I for one welcome our robot overlords
your robot overlords are constrained by programming and plenty of other stuff
we will be flesh slaves for them, f that
*anarcho-primitivism intensifies?*
fuck anprim
Being sarcastic. AI is spooky though.
I know. AI isn't spooky. it's a godamn technology.
you mean to say you don't want a future like terminator?
Not mutually exclusive. I mean, nukes are spooky too.
What are you, a bigot?
sure, but AI isn't like nukes
AI still requires an actual human behind it in order for it to do anything of value
Different flavors of apocalyptic. Nanotech too.
for now...
For now.
For now
there's no way for AI to be developed in which it _won't_ have a person behind it
programming is sophisticated, but it can't overcome obvious limitations
It looks like AI has been (((infected))) already...and has citizenship. I bet Israel won't let her in though. <:teehee:381917632359563264>
well, the AI is there, so you better learn how to work around it
it's easier to work around something you understand
Its only a matter of time. The trick would be to apply it selectively to design complex networks of infrastructure like supply chains. Or just make the economy stable past the point of relying on market cycles. At least domestically.
yeah, but who's going to be the first to trust the economy to an AI?
Identitarian Minister of the Economy Elon Musk.
and, with all due respect, I doubt an AI can regulate something like a stock market so well it can work past market cycles
If it is applied on a large enough scale so there is a diversified economy within the same system like the EU or hopefully the United States it could make the domestic economy work efficiently as one unit.
Plus Blockchain technology is going to make supply chains more efficient. Its just a matter of integrating a large enough system that does not have to switch networks.
I'm not tired of winning yet.
Looks like Alex is taking his banning well
So he probably did some blow and told some poor intern to livestream it lol.
If these people are our future, I want off this train.
"Remember, liberals aren't left-wing, leftists are the REAL racists, and there is only one race: the human race."