Message from @meratrix
Discord ID: 445105005096337433
You could save that money
and use it for things you need
no one said it was magic
you're straw manning you fuck
actually it's called effort
living within your means
saving up
No no it wouldn't
Do you understand how saving money works?
I smoke weed because I have PTSD an it's the only thing that's bin helping -_-
delayed gratification
either you can do it or you live as an addict
living fix to fix
money saved means can eat when to old to work
How am I an addict?
How’d you get PTSD?
I don't like to talk about what happened
It gives me flashbacks when I talk about it
@hydra lee what strain
If you absolutely need the weed keep that, but you could still cut out the other shit, shrooms and lsd.
just don't start buying coke or H or you'll really fuck your life
Shrooms also help ....alot I use them whenever I get a job that dose testing for weed
wtf is going on here
@hydra lee Use Salvia, you can legally grow that shit yourself legally.
Salvia did apsolutly nothing for me
It has to be a specific variety
salvia is insanely expensive tho
as expected
@Thomas the Sowell Train [USA] Is it really that expensive?
It’s just sage.
if you want to get anything out of salvia you have to spend around $40 a hit
salvias high is extremely short, similar to nicotine
for the stronger potency
for that money just buy some hash
just find some smart, tough guys to drink beers with
split the bill and enjoy socially
eh what am I sayin
I'm not gonna tell you what to put into your body
huff all the junk you want