Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 451777570296299520
krimskrams loves that chinese dick
Hi Trebjonn, long time no see
I'm not convinced that krimskrams isn't just a bot
How have you been?
But do the chinese use local labour ?
Depends on the country
```Africa needs more infrastructure, no one denies that. I just have one question. Why is it that it is only foreigners who can build this infrastructure? Why can't we Africans rise to the challenge of learning how to construct the infrastructure we need? Is constructing infrastructure too hard for us Africans?```
@Trebjonn don't the chinese import their own people when building roads in africa too?
I am not educated about any of this stuff. I think, it is a mix.
``` I agree with you. Africans have the capacity to build infrastructure. The problem is that the Chinese are sending many of their people out of China to get jobs because there are too many people in China. All over the continent you have well qualified African engineers who can design new infrastructure and people to actual do the construction. In addition, most African countries have the monetary resources to pay for the needed equipment and supplies. The real issue rest with African leaders who are not serious about African development and would rather allow foreigners, like the Chinese, to do the work. This has been the problem with Africa since independence.```
In Panama by law they require that 75 percent pf the workers are Panamanians
@Deleted User I think so too
We are currently building a train and some ports with chinese money, but only a small percentage of the work force is chinese
good for you
I don't think that's the case in the african countries tho
```ournalist Joachim Boembo puts it simply:
“The people see China as real. Because it is things you can see," he says. "The West is abstract. Western aid is abstract,"```
Because of weak labour laws
Western aid is buying own companies to build stuff in Africa, which then often is useless, because the know-how is missing locally.
Good gonna get food soon
I did know one, who was involved in such a project.
@Trebjonn what kind?
Chinese aid appears to be an additional layer of paternalism
**GoldyDerHund#5650** was cleansed from the server.
The pissing contest between china and the USA has proven very profitable for the third world
The USA is paranoid about losing influence and its starting to up their diplomatic game
Just something alongside highway
so kebab, trebjonn?
```Some Ugandans are critical of China’s so-called win-win strategy. Critics like professor of international political economy Yunus Lubega Butanaziba from Nkumba University.
"It is a lose win situation that I see. Not a win win situation. It sounds nice to hear, but it does not take place in the real world," he says. “I do not see a situation in which Uganda gains in relation to Chinese markets or projects of development.”
He says Uganda is not winning enough jobs or trade and is getting flooded with low quality goods — from household items to appliances to building materials. Those cheaply made products undercut local merchants.```
```How does China benefit? He says China gets jobs for engineers and others working on the projects. He points out that building infrastructure in Africa "will lay foundation for further Chinese investment" in the future.```
The Chinese do, what German Kaiserreich did to the colony Samoa.
Seems more of a give a man a fish v teach a man to fish
Don't be tyranical, keep structures, build up infrastructure and make deals for cheap resources. Everybody wins.
It has to start somewhere
@Reaps that was a great video