Message from @mxngxxse
Discord ID: 551564494854422528
okay because I was wondering how you know that I know delray misfits
I saw u make references lol
absolutely pissening mind reading
pm it to him brutha
just got zucced
another 30days
@HeeHeetler mind if I change your nickname to Johnny Berger?
sure , though i do like being Supreme Leader for the memes
@gauravtee I'll dm you my name in FB
is there any bad words here?
GG @HeilJUDEN, you just advanced to level 1! View the leaderboard by typing !levels in the bot-commands channel.
can I say the n word?
Nock yourself out
thanks my nigga
@gauravtee add #memes or #shitposting
nibba why you spamming. Post one of these at a time lol
additional channels won't be necessary until we hit 500 at least
we already have over 20 channels in this server
I deleted your second message - aka like 10 autism videos
@mxngxxse You like Ricardo a little bit much
naw we just dump ricardo a lot so i needed to spread
not to mention it triggers all the religitards
@gauravtee can I have my own personal channel ?
no lol
How the fuck do people get the firework question wron
I’m tryna subvert this server like a B O S S
maths is hard
@gauravtee be like
lol wtf was that
That has virus written all over it
no lol
just be on pc you fag