Message from @Stalin
Discord ID: 770390809887113226
Giddyup Titan_Josh!!
Hello Y'All!!
Hey y’all!
Is the code going to be messaged on this?
Damn $1000 prize
I don’t have a squad though
what's the time zone of the tournament? im not sure when 1pm will be for me here in california
ah cool
>its real
post your map predictions
heres my best case scenario
this is mine <:Peepocool:608493866261151799>
When it says who is your squad on registration do I say the gamertags (epic) or the names?
so many people all of a sudden
I’m looking for a team. Usually play solo
Just need 2 more people if anyone wants to join my squad
Want me to join
Yes sure. I’ll add you through epic shortly
What’s your epic name @Stalin
Sounds good. How do we sign up for the tourney?
Nvm got it sorry
Anyone else want to squad up with me and @Stalin ? I have a friend of mine that’s playing too he’s gonna join the discord shortly
You Xbox or ps
I’m Xbox
I’m ps
Good thing it’s cross platform
Yes do u wanna play shortly? We can try to practice every day
Ok I’ll be on shortly I’ll send u a friend req