Message from @Stickmakerman
Discord ID: 202757073048567808
it's weaird
>almost got a chink ssd
dont wanna sound like an amazon shill but instead of a kingdian you can cop a pny 120gb for $35 today
if you get the prime free trial
the absoluTE MAD MAN
these seem nice
nice I managed to do it
successfully deleted windows 10 from my moms dual OS tablet
26GB free now on android
buy the mi band 2 for 37$ or wait?
fucking hell
my neighbour is setting up his car stereo and he's blasting music
my artscow mousepad is here
hope they ship my second one soon
I still have my artscow mousepads from 2011
My account is from a really long time ago when they gave them away for free
but I got rid of the mousepad ~4 years ago
Hey comfys alive
@Comfy any luck with the scanner?
mouth fedora stuff
well, my some of my chink shit came, hoping more comes before friday
someone found a KOFFIN there
I'm already on discord
I just don't talk much