Message from @marmalade
Discord ID: 202973019788804096
forgot the space
all i got was electric scooters you're right
anyway I have to use two of them because i have too much shit
2 PCs, right now 4 monitors, 1 fan, 2 for stereo system and myriad of chargers
but i can also have a laptop 2 crts and 3 other monitors
i have two of them too
thankfully i've never purchased a monitor
one for the right side of my room one for the left
i'm trying to minimise shipping from this win win coupon
god damn the safe network gets my dick rock hard
Secure Access For Everyone?
im looking around here
its like tor
smart storage option
not exactly, but also yes?
not the same
it manages to anonymize, secure, AND persistence
well im in the s y s t e m
ah so SAFEcoins can be used to store data on the system
Wasn't there one like that a few months ago
Eletrium or something
it was meme for a few days
hm @marmalade having issues authenticating the demo app. restarting
i think you have to install the uh
you need to run the launcher first i believe
then the demo app
apparently test 6 is going to roll out soon
yeah i got that part
maid demo is just stuck on "watiting for a response" and SAFE has no requests
ill wait for an update
that sucks :/
but it's pre alpha so y'know lol
Got a refund for my Ajazz