Message from @zambz
Discord ID: 204648392423505921
I say evening, but it's generally late afternoon
I'd rather have an all-around camera than one purely for capturing some streets while biking tbh, I mean I get that it's appealing for travel and all
But it gets dark pretty damn fast over here
These are pretty portable
That's the main draw for me
If it doesn't massively outperform a phone, then it's not really doing its job very well
just as META question, why are you worried about shilling chinkshit?
here we go again
How to spot fake hybrids
The buttons are totally different
just keep an eye m8s
I got some fake pistons off amazon before I found /csg/
didn't realise until someone here pointed it out
they were one of the top selling in-ear headphones too
>they think swimming hijab is a good thing
how the fuck am I going to read that
I can't read borkborkbork, sorry
There is already such
my local gym have started to remove english translation and replaced it with arabic
I wanna die
wake me up
It's for those who are scared of UV during their beach visit
wake me up inside
And don't wish to get tanned
cant wale up
It's more common than you'd think
can't whale up