Message from @StormSplurge
Discord ID: 204656292038574080
Canada behind PokeGo downtime
it's too late m8
A fucking leaf
Avro Arrow was really cool
but I'm a cold war geek
yeah then we got cucked out of it
@hypertextcoffee it isn't as sunny here
also could you guys help me with a life decision
I tried to do some comfy hoardin' but the charity shops were picked clean by chink students
i could switch to an easier job stocking shelves but then i'm not in tech anymore
from what i've heard i will also get more hours so i will make more money
dont leave tech
tech is big money in 3 years
yeah that's the thing
i'm in tech retail though
get more money
gotta think for 3 years down the track
want a career or a job?
>still being stuck at staples in 3 years
even Storm isn't going to do that
>implying i'm going to be a lifer at staples
the only lifers at staples don't have cars and still live with parents
so yikes
Anyone know of a way to directly contact a Taobao seller?
don't do 1st line tech though, hell on earth
we chat?
I've never used Taobao @Tribit
no contact link?
None that I can find, no
i used to buy fake clothes through taobao
>not buying fake clothes through ali
ali is garbage
compared to tabao
easier and the same prices more or less