Message from @Tribit
Discord ID: 205069627040989185
So? It still outperforms the 480 in some cases
Thing is
rx480 is cheaper but slightly less powerful, I would say it's much more future-proof though with the results of vulkan and dx12
and 2gb more vram
You might be better off with other cards
Older ones, even
I don't buy from them as a matter of principle
Oh look a gpu war
Is there no thread for you on g
Not even a war
We're talking about totally different price classes
Anyway I agree with you tribit
Comfy is gone?
You guys can't buy x60s?
He's gone missing apparently
He really wasn't happy yesterday.
1060 > 480
Again, I say we let him cool down
well shit did hit the fan yesterday
He can rejoin whenever he feels like it
The guy running the randomiser turned out to be a greedy fucker
got caught
he argued with both reddit guy and
fake apologizes but at the same time doubles down and adds more referral links for DX and AliExpress
just buy your tech used, new is always a scam
We knew was up to no good
Used is good
No clue why he bit the bullet
The moment he dropped AliExpress I knew something was up
I really like amd yet here I am with a 4690k and a gtx 960 because I buy used and got a great deal
Dollar signs just appeared in his eyes when he realised he could hide the actual referrral links in a iframe
I generally don't buy used when dealing with more vital components
I just wait for deals