Message from @BigPhil
Discord ID: 304050867911262208
Alright now he's dialing it down a bit
Richard isn't being stupid anymore
This is what appeals to normies
I like this part
that hand wave
wat she say
Antifa is trying so hard to interrupt him.
A wild sheboon appears
i stopped watching him sperg out, anything interesting
why is richard spencer so sassy is he out of the closet?
Is james hetfield our guy?
True, but Milo is too dumb about anything.
dew wtf
he talks like a gay dude
I'm not hating on gay dudes or whatever
he sounds gay though
Bretty gringe
Not the best speaker, but it's all we've got.
hes fine
even if hes kinda a sperg
I don't dislike him, but can't he find some fucking paragon of the white race to write speeches for?
he's fine
if that's his thing?
he does well with Q/A's
he rips people apart
Q&A is the main event
>muh freedom
Spencer is definitely gay the way he sashaies around the stage.
Millenial Woes should write his speeches
are there really that few white race defenders that his being okay at public speaking is literally all it takes?
man I mean I really don't want to talk shit about spencer, I just wondered if he is married or openly gay or what