Message from @Niko - WA
Discord ID: 423903746083520512
let's see if we can double that!
Double the number of states too!
It wasn't a banner drop it was a banner they held at a women's March. I believe it was Vanguard/PF.
A group really dropped a banner saying "feminists get the rope?"
held a banner at a women's march
just more PF idiocy
haha. at the women's march.
Jesus christ
That's just awful.
peak optics
Seriously though. These guys are in it for the rush, they're not thinking rationally, calmly and strategically about what they're doing.
There’s nothing to be gained by confronting a demonstration of that nature
All negative outcomes
They're just shitposting irl
>PF drops a pro feminist banner
>feminists disperse since they don't want to be affiliated with nazis
>march canceled
Could of been 4d chess
That'd be some culture jamming, potentially.
The banner would've had to say something like "PF supports white women", driving even more of a wedge between white feminists and others
@Brunswick PF should have just dropped a banner that read "This Is What A Feminist Looks Like," and put their logo on it as well.
@Paul - MI lol, a quote from that article. "Spencer's intellectual lights and moral compass have failed to point him in the right direction for several years now. Possibly his petulant vanity and envy of what Identity Europa have achieved might just do it. "
Likely all the man had to do was send in an app, but no
Dropping #120d banners at women's marches would be a good idea
It's a real women's issue that divides the liberal bloc
IE would have to send an app to him in Spencer’s mind @⚡Clark⚡
Did they put a Snapchat filter on our action shot
Yea they actually made it glow and look cooler
The Left can't meme.
Is this a promotion piece or what lol
Wow,high praise looks like
They’re sowing discord between Spencer and us
Of course, we don’t really mind this...
It don’t *ever* get the idea that the SPLC is going to be in the business of admiring, or helping us. They always have a motive
Spencer's doing it to himself