Message from @ShyGuyfromUpHigh
Discord ID: 632020636192997386
Thats a huge moon, i hope thats not to scale
Hahaha not at all accurate.
Thats a mercator projection onto the flat earth which is false.
It's more like the UN logo, with an ice wall
Read explorers accounts of the ice wall.
they say the light from a black hole comes from the matter around the black hole, not the black hole itself
Sir James Clark Ross.
earth aint flat
Yes huge blasts of ultraviolet radiation is emitted from the photon sphere due to the gravity
@ShyGuyfromUpHigh That's why I asked you, as an atheist, how can you be a simulation earther? What are your beliefs?
my point was, some equations give exact calculations while other equations are just good approximations
big words
Possibly flat and hollow as well.
A simulation earther doesnt need to believe in a god
@Dear Mason i explained my beliefs
Inner earth is a real thing.
@he vibin tho yesss
@ShyGuyfromUpHigh Where?
go look
"i dont know what other simulation earther's believe. i was surprised to see that option on here tbh. i believe in a simulated universe, which is a little different"
What does that even mean?
i said more than that cherry picker
Admiral Byrd went to the south pole while he claimed he went to the north pole. It was intentional disinformation to mislead foreign powers. His mission to the south pole was supposed to be covert.
Simulation argument by Nick Bostrom:
Skip to IV: for probabilistic mathematics
do you believe in atoms, and molecules, and quarks and muons ? @Dear Mason
What does that have to do with this?
@SunRazor They were trying to investigate the hollow earth and were attacked.
its relevant
But they wont tell you that.
you ask all the questions. its my turn
Ok ok
Sure I believe it's possible they're real
whats that mean
yes or no
what do you think you are made of @Dear Mason
I don't need to give a yes or no