Message from @ShyGuyfromUpHigh
Discord ID: 632022501370626068
Look, what does this have to do with simulation earth? Are we arguing science or?
@🎃Oakheart🎃 I was under the impression that Byrd was hunting for german U-boats that purportedly found an entrance under the ice
I don't see the relevance so I won't answer until you tell me
They were most likely hunting for germans going into the inner earth.
I think the fear was that the Nazi's had possibly built an underwater base under the ice
Giants, dragons, creatures of legend.
I don't really know
Live down there perhaps.
the simulation is a sandbox
it has "particles"
I do have an old video if a fleet taking a trip to antarctica
Hollow earth
and a flight that finds dry land with warm water in the middle of nowhere in antarctica
you were asking what quarks and other subatomic particles are made of because we know that they appear and disappear, pull information from nowhere, etc, right? @ShyGuyfromUpHigh
you ask me why i believe what i believe. im trying to explain it. you're being mad sarcastic though @Dear Mason
I'm not lol
we know quantum mechanics as a very odd and nonsensical science
thats virtual particles youre talking about
"we know quantum mechanics as a very odd and nonsensical science" what is life?
you're mixing theory with proven
1 vs 1 people
double sit experiment, heisenberg's uncertainty principle, etc.
@oƃǝW I think it's the interpretations of quantum mechanics that's nonsensical science
i know all of that
so what is your argument @oƃǝW how is it "nonsensical"?
I'm just waiting for you to explain so I can't strawman you by mistake
I don't have an argument right now, im neutral to both sides of the simulated universe theory
dont attack him. @he vibin tho
i wanna see what he has to say
im just saying what I know
If you want my personal theory on what I think the universe really is....
And what is it that you know about quantum mechanics to make you say it is nonsensical
like a crack in a piece of glass, the universe is a crack in absolute-nothingness
Cause that makes sense
the way subatomic particles behave doesn't make much sense when it comes to the physics we know. Im not trying to poke holes in quantum mechanics
Globe earth = we are insignificant and worthless, Flat earth = earth is divine and full of love and beauty.