Message from @Matt77
Discord ID: 632057904350101524
that's my interpretation
Ok wait
Space flat?
huh, I thought flat space was already accepted by most scientists
the geometry of "space" is flat
Like paper flat
yes like paper flat
and not bent like a rubber sheet
flat in 3 dimensions ofcourse
Like fr?
i didn't think that analogy worked
but oh well
the circumference of a circle is always C = 2 pi R
yeah, tis flat
we're flat spacers
I guess so
If space flat
If space is positively curved, then C < 2 pi R
Why am I not flat
the existence of dark energy gives an even higher likeliness of it being flat
if space is negatively curved, then C > 2 pi R
that really warps my mind
Ok but when you say space flat
Do you really mean as flat as paper
how flat the universe had to be when it was small in order for it to still be flat now
so I'm talking geometry
Sort of
and with that, black holes are not "holes"
they're just called that way because they eat up all the light that comes their way
They are “wells”
they look like a 'black hole'