Message from @ParadoxusX
Discord ID: 375868722096635904 I haven’t updated it in a few weeks, but it is all the video evidence and first hand accounts, as well as cracked out conspiracy theories about Unite the Right Cville 2.0
I think Baked is trying to come back to our side.
I don't want to alienate people but I simply just don't trust him. This would be his 3rd big reversal.
Personally I think he's a salesman.
He wants to be with us when we expose anti-white norms in society, but I don't know if he agrees with us completely.
He's just calibrating so his channels survive.
a/b testing. cerno talks openly about it.
/our side is not something you can honestly believe and decide to leave.
@here Earlier today, I decided to check out for the first time in years and what I saw was a website of rather young, right wing posters seemingly finding themselves into white nationalism from general conservatism. I find it to be a great avenue to redpill younger audiences and unaware internet conservatism. Go on here, make accounts, and post some of the great memes we produce and redpill these Gen Z kids! I posted a compilation that has found its way to the front page with almost 10,000 views and over 400 likes.
Lets take over that website
And the cool thing is, you can be as edgy as you want. No fear of getting banned, the admin is pro-white and has posted images of him taking part in the "Its Okay to be White" campaign
We have no room for flakes
He is trying to come back.
He flip flops non stop.
God that Reddit AMA was cringe
@David Darnell - MT looks like a troll account to me
I can't tell to be honest, I have no clue.
Here's another one.
Imagine putting up a simple sign that says "it's ok to be white" the police get called. The media catches wind. And there's a witch hunt on you. Does that even remotely sound right?
Not surprised
The comments there are very grim
It's almost like the world is rediscovering the concept that homosexuality is degenerate. Weird concept huh?
#itsokaytobewhite is genius
Pedogate has links to homogate
Jews as an ethnicity have a much higher incidence of homosexuality
how about trannyism?
And he is, well was, Jewish. Shocking
I do believe there is a statistic that shows pedos are far more likely to be homos than straight
That is correct
jews and trannyism?