Message from @ChippedStones
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R/the_donald link of this massive banner!
There's a lot of "muh raycism" on that post, smash dat downvote button
CivNats everywhere
Apparently we're a Soros plant lol
Spread the word behind the scenes - we need support
I'm making too many comments and they think the whole post is a shill op lol
Seeing this makes me want to claw my eyes out.
@ChippedStones oh bloody hell
"Hey guys look at this based black Trump supporter! MAGA amirite?!!"
This is a good one to hit.
We're winning so far.
I've been smacking these civnats around in the comment section lol
They're butthurt
MAGApedes get deported, too.
I saw that coming
I wonder (((who))) could be behind that.
they're not any better than r/politics with that shit
The sub's literally run by you know who, they're just pushing the magatards into the kosher sandwhich.
This is what a steam valve looks like
It's ok
We can just overwhelm them with content
We're definitely making progress
@ChippedStones wow what a cuck.
"But but they all assimilate to our culture. We all bleed red blood. Muh constitution"
they heavily promote pro Israeli content this should tell you all you need to know about the "mods" on the Donald
Im curious what everyone's thoughts are about moving the embassy to jerusalem
increase tension in the region accelerating the ME cold war same objective as always
The New York truck attacker was a legal immigrant. He came in with the "diversity lottery". 50k brown people per year come in that way, regardless if they speak english or know anything about this country.
Europeans are already diverse.
We have the most diversity
different hair colors, eye colors, even difference in skin shades
all of the brown people have dark hair and brown eyes.