Message from @bspon002
Discord ID: 550820548876173332
Comments, replies and reacts are open on this post, or mass reporting could be an option too. Just leaving it here if anyone wants to do something with it. The comments about IE are entertaining, nonetheless.
Ya, her pets are annoying. But this is important.
If you can’t stand her voice or her points, just read the article she quoted from
Even sty's thinks has turned a corner Im going to log back into my Gab account and try this out
Regarding the dissenter extension, has anyone set it up on IOS/safari? And maybe it’s my ignorance but I can’t figure out how to unzip it.
@DrewMT Are you just not able to extract it from the archive?
I can get to it but not sure how to unzip it
Try Keka?
@Piet Dietzel When did Carolyn Emerick become so anti Christian? She wasnt that hostile in her Europa Sun magazines of the last two years. Very strange.
I think she made the unfortunate choice a while back to feed the neo-Crusader/Christian Identity trolls, and now, she and they are kinda spiraling into oblivion...
Would you pay attention to the history eraser part? Or else our grandchildren will be calling Christians evil, and burning them at the stake in the name of the new world order.
Her first Europa Sun magazine has a crusader on the front, and an article about the crusades, as well as saying Europeans have many religions. Too bad, it's a tragedy. She's literally calling Christians her enemy on the YouTube comments.
I cant support a crazy person.
Well, there's definitely a pretty YUGE distinction to be made between the Middle Eastern Crusades and the Northern ones (a.k.a. fratricide), and while she obviously acknowledges that Christian Whites are her people, too, she definitely feels pretty strongly that Ásatrú, or some other form of a more Indo-European-derived faith, represents a more coherent way forward for our people spiritually. While I'm certainly not uncritical of a lot of the positions that she takes, though, I definitely think that this is one of many reasons why we need to return to complete freedom of association, even among our own people, once a more favorable political order is in place. Just like when we were colonies, and long thereafter, Episcopalians can form their communities here, Catholics there, Quakers up that-a-way, Mormon's o'er yonder, Heathens somewhere or other, etc., etc., and whoever just wants to mingle can do so wherever that works out to be...
Yeah I was a big fan, I'd bought ES's first two issues. She is doing her own exotic branding thing, "Volk Right." I tried to talk her orbiters into mellowing down on YouTube, but they're like three times more hostile than Varg's following (some overlap I am sure)
For those using the Dissenter extension, I suggest posting a comment on every article about IE. That way, those who use it will get a counter to the media narrative wherever they read about IE. Dissenter may become big among conservatives, so its good to get started now than later. I already about a comment on IE's Wikipedia page, as an example.
@Wood-Ape - OK/MN @Bjorn - MD yes, if we aren’t careful we will get another religious brother war. But what I think she is understandably frantic about is that European Professors are getting kicked out of Classical European history departments. She has noticed the same pattern over and over through history (i.e. a Hebrew god inciting the conquering and genociding of Europeans.
I understand Varg and Carolyn’s anger, but I saw them real-time deleting comments from bad commenters on both sides
Needs more identitarians in the sub
@Bogl - CAyes sadly she got a bit too intense with her critics calling them out amd went farther. So sadly i kinda stopped listening to her stuff a few months or so ago. She became a bit much.
It's too bad because I really liked her past magazines. She purity spiraled and it's going to cost her financially. I cant support someone who hates me.
Let’s take the conversations to general.
Sure thing
I think Gab dissenter is a gr8 idea...wish I'd thought of it
Wait so what exactly does Dissenter do
Allows discussion re articles with disabled comments
@OttoVonBismarck Just hooked it up today. It allows for you to paste a URL to the browser extension, and then comment on the article. However, this is the kicker, only other people with Dissenter can see the comments. So still ghettoized in a way.
Kinda foxes you to sign up don’t it?
Attention @everyone
Fuentes, VDARE staff, and Patrick and I have been banned from CPAC.
We’re going to hold a small event later on. Please promote this tweet!
You haven't been banned from whole countries guys really need to try harder
BTW, Chapo Trap House got press passes...
@Matthias How were they able to ban you personally? Did they get your dox, or did they just escort you off the premises or something?
curious, did they sell tickets fully knowing they would turn certain people down at the door?
Im sure there's a greatest ally whose entire job it is to make sure certain people arent welcome.
I suggest to everyone that you download your favorite political/nationalist/identitarian videos from YouTube. In the event that channels like Red Ice or American Renaissance are de-platformed, there should be as many people as possible able to upload mirror/copies of their videos to YouTube and other platforms. I've already downloaded a few dozen American Renaissance videos and plan to download their whole library. You can easily download YouTube videos through websites, but if the video is restricted by YouTube, then the sites don't let you download. The restricted videos will probably require a program like OBS or Fraps to download. Haven't downloaded one so can't say exactly.
HELP: Who in IE can I talk to about a doxxing situation? Someone has been stalking me online for a couple weeks now and has connected my Twitter account to ME. He's figured out who some of my relatives are, where I go to school, my hometown, bands I've been in, etc.