Message from @Vaporwave doge🚩🏴☮
Discord ID: 709423866925023323
Read fucking brave new world
Cauze fordism is a llt of capitalism
ive read that too
Capotalism ks inherently explotative btw
it isnt
That is y the uasr failed
Kept ownership of companies
Just changed who owned them
yes, ussr was ultra-capitalist
Market communism exists
Capitalism is fine, it’s pretty close to market anarchism
GG @Cupthought, you just advanced to level 1!
U know that right
Also no
Capitalism has ownership of means of production
My only issue with ancaps is I think we should have tenure land rights, not permanent land rights
private ownership, nothing like the ussr
But otherwise they cool
Don't u believe worker owned company
Also fran
There were company owners jn ussr
It is state capitalism
Like most capitalism
Requires a state
State capitalism is what we have now doug
Cause nap is spooked
And against my ego
in ussr the state controlled the factories and the production
Worker owned compqnies
@Vaporwave doge🚩🏴☮ is being “kind” a spook?
and a confederation of communes
Nothing less then that is based
Also cup
Kindness collqueliy could be considered a spoom
Because being nice is considered good
ok, what do you think about abolishing the state and then let people decide if they want communes, or working in privately owned factories
Nice has an implicit meaning