Message from @Fiddle Storm
Discord ID: 375807143615660033
guns, knives, riots, pepper spraying innocents
i know
i know that
it's not a war, it's just them doing more irrational bullshit that we should continue to not feed into
they got a lot of money recently my man
tell me more
from who and what are they doing with it
🇹 🇠🇪 <:forsenE:369351021664927744> 🇱 🇪 🇫 🇹 <:forsenE:369351021664927744> 🇨 🇦 🇳 🇹 <:forsenE:369351021664927744> 🇲 🇪 🇲 🇪
from what i've heard, soros, and the 'war effort'
cut off <:forsenS:308498694238633984>
oh well, still accurate
I live in portland am i gonna die?
should i put up a kek flag on my bitch neighbor's lawn?
cucks can't fight. just stay vigilant
that's my message
i have an ar15 im not worried
i just wanna troll
this is opportunity mang
they're a threat to this world, but as long as we stand our ground
do it up, words hurt them more than the bullets honestly
No timestamp/username
You could be a trap for all we know
what is a minor doing in this chat
>a minor
jk ur cute
(then again, i'm only 16 <:forsenWut:307668570689634304> )
Wdym timestamp
god no
@Fiddle Storm When I say timestamp/username, I mean that you have a piece of paper with the date/time of the photo you take it, along with your username written on it
@Dr. Bees <:tbhfam:356316888109940738>
Wtf does anyone have that?
we need to timestamp for what?
this sounds fascist
Have you never heard of the "There are no girls on the Internet" rule?
Seems new to the internet to me