Message from @bruhsoundeffect2
Discord ID: 554762435698098197
How do I send images?
@✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧ it's because of how the solar system was created, the earth was made was slightly different to the other planets
You cant.
No, earth isnt special or unique at all. The fact that every planet is random as hell means no planet can be described as unique, as they all share the quality of being different
You better calm down Cory
(yea yea)
@Jinky 👌 sure sure
*pack it up pack it in let me begin*
Hey lad s
@Osmosis.Michalago speak
cube earth gang
please can i be un timed out plz
Is there anywhere that I can send images?
you're preaching it as fact even tho you have no solid evidence, we have more than enough evidence and you don't want to accept it
Man has only been able to dig / drill down a bit over 7 miles going down further isn't possible currently
Who’s that wasteman
I was just wondering how the flat earth society is doing
exactly @Human Sheeple! where is the curve? thank you for evidence.
As I proud member myself
Fuck off
F. L. A. T. FLAT!
if i could post images i would prove the earth is round
Bruh you can see the horizon under the red line at the edges XD
@Human Sheeple uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i think the earth is to big to see a curve at that height
@Send Pic of Main Hull - its not ? why is this the only one in immedaite skies with physical life, hmm? can you say SPEICAL and UNIQUE 🤤 derp
the panzerkampfwagen is my daily driver lmao
@Matthew Wiersansma Please go to a height yourself and show me a globe Earth
Anyone from uk ?
is it real or no
@Jinky dont you know "round" is a > misnomer? ..
you still never answered the question, how come the earth is flat and all other planets round? Take into account how the earth was made @✧Mike Flatbird (Mike Blackbird)✧
@Human Sheeple why dont you first?
I'm from Australia
@Hirohito's chins we are timed out wtf