Message from @Send Pic of Main Hull
Discord ID: 554762986108223508
It has life because we are in the perfect area of space so that the average temperature can sustain life, and the atmosphere is abundant in O2 so that complex forms of life could evolve
@Jinky .. Erf is not a "planet" anyways
"looks pretty flat to me"
it looks like
Is there any flat earth porn it must be good
the earth is leaking
@Matthew Wiersansma You're not seriously saying the Earth is concave are you?
It looks flat but from that angle it looks flat, also becuase you think its flat doesnt mean it is @Human Sheeple
Its not that special, its just random
@Send Pic of Main Hull its amazing what you be--lie-ve
@Human Sheeple the earth is a hollow disc
@Dunes walks like a duck talks like a duck.
hey guys does anyone have actual evidence that Earth is flat
im sand
how do i duck\
not speical huh? "Thank" you Sci-Fi priests @Send Pic of Main Hull -- they made you feel real Speical huh 🤤
Flat Earth has big gay
@Matthew Wiersansma Yes there are undiscovered caves underground, the question is HOW hollow is the Flat Earth?
Alright, <@!485825182334713866> has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.
you all have big gay lmao
<:GWfroggerHyperXD:399972553524903938> <:GWfroggerHyperXD:399972553524903938> <:GWfroggerHyperXD:399972553524903938>
<@485825182334713866> long earth, obvs
Sci-fi priests? Bruh i study biology. I test this shit myself
@Human Sheeple atleast 5 miles but im scared the NSA might assassinate me with touch tabin tarantula spiders
@Send Pic of Main Hull -- Erf just in the Coincidental "Goldie lock" zone huh 🤤 derp
what a coinkidink
yall people weird if yall think the earth is flat xd,
Anyone here believe the earth is flat 😂
Why can i not talk
i KNOW it is
Yeah, there are billions upon billions of planets and stars. At least one of them should be in the goldielocks zone by chance