Message from @パートナーキラー

Discord ID: 554829073537433637

2019-03-12 00:51:05 UTC  

How about you go first?

2019-03-12 00:51:08 UTC  

no you havent

2019-03-12 00:51:12 UTC  

Huh? Scared that I’m right?

2019-03-12 00:51:16 UTC  

the countless videos of normal people sending balloons into space.

2019-03-12 00:51:19 UTC  

How about YOU SEND ME a photo of the flat earth

2019-03-12 00:51:25 UTC  


2019-03-12 00:51:30 UTC  

The government would be impossible to hide such a big “theory”.

2019-03-12 00:51:38 UTC  

hey anime, if i told you the earth was a semi circle, would you believe that?

2019-03-12 00:51:41 UTC  

Actual shot of the moon by a private rocket. Notice how small it is. Perspective wise, if the moon were truely 263,000 miles away, it would NEVER appear this small to anyone near the earth from any part of the earth. Not blinded by atmosphere either.

2019-03-12 00:51:54 UTC  


2019-03-12 00:51:54 UTC  

Alright, @パートナーキラー has been warned for '**Capital letters**'.

2019-03-12 00:51:57 UTC  

im still not sure the government has told us so many lies

2019-03-12 00:52:00 UTC  


2019-03-12 00:52:00 UTC  

A guy built a rocket and sent him self flying to prove the Earth was flat. He proved himself wrong and then came crashing back down

2019-03-12 00:52:02 UTC  

thats a curve right there

2019-03-12 00:52:12 UTC  

2019-03-12 00:52:32 UTC  

Pretty sure citizen Z has some irl problems... No offense

2019-03-12 00:52:39 UTC  


2019-03-12 00:52:48 UTC  

Citizen, can there be like a Voice Mod Role to help moderate the VCs?

2019-03-12 00:52:50 UTC  

dont bring up the "gravity doesnt exist" claim, because what would be holding us to our planet?

2019-03-12 00:52:59 UTC  


2019-03-12 00:53:03 UTC  

So the picture I just pointed out was taken directly over Nevada, and the moon was supposedly on the other side of the world, Austrailia

2019-03-12 00:53:04 UTC  

the flat earth would crumple into a ball.

2019-03-12 00:53:16 UTC  

how come when i dump water on the foor it doesnt roll of the side. Flater Earth 1, Round Earth 0

2019-03-12 00:53:19 UTC  

Ever since Memeulous' vid, there are way too many people to mod

2019-03-12 00:53:47 UTC  

well yeah but what if the water is magnetized and you have a magnet in a ball..

2019-03-12 00:54:06 UTC  

thats essentially how gravity works, without the magnet part.

2019-03-12 00:54:17 UTC  

Anime, Thats bEcUAsE of earth’s mass and gravity. The earth is such a god damn big sphere that a curve is barely noticeable, and the water is so small compared to said curve.

2019-03-12 00:54:26 UTC  

but the point is gravity keeps it from rollign off

2019-03-12 00:54:30 UTC  

@Chesire Ate AdeptClaws you is right. If the Earth was flat it would collapse

2019-03-12 00:54:31 UTC  

@TheNikitis That’s an interesting photo 👍

2019-03-12 00:54:32 UTC

2019-03-12 00:54:32 UTC  

@John69 the guy you are talking about is a stuntman. He was going for a distance record with a steam rocket. He just had a research flat earth sticker on his rocket that flat earthers paid him to advertise. The media lied to you. He never said he was going to try and prove flat earth. You have been had. Congrats on being a gullible sheep.

2019-03-12 00:54:37 UTC  

2019-03-12 00:54:37 UTC  

Gravity is drawn to the sphere’s core.

2019-03-12 00:54:48 UTC  

The size of the moon proves it's close

2019-03-12 00:54:49 UTC  

if space were real

2019-03-12 00:54:58 UTC  

And where are all the countries on the 'Proof'