Message from @amygdala
Discord ID: 371777494946283531
Baked alaska
I also told those guys down in florida to pull the trigger
hey drunk dutch
wtf is baked alaska?
@MrThatGuy Baked Alaska is a based right winger youtuber / twitter goy
hes in here
It is a culinary dish
isn't he alt right
Dammit Shop.
and wasn't he working for buzzfeed like 1 year ago?
Mario Party> Democratic Party
someone post a link to some good Baked Alaska vids
Baked Alaska is almost as Hardcore 1488 as Sam Hyde
Baked hanged a black guy just for looking at him
good BA vids lol
He has this nice book though. For those that read.
I make good videos
hail hitler
baked alaska is biting sam hydes style
I have a feeling these people are shills
buzzfeed milk
I unironically should make a YouTube
I kinda wanna
@Zastava at least they'r not Capcom Shills
I am a part of the globalist hologram to turn gay fish into frog bowls
@Zastava nah it seems like Baked Alaska just mentioned an invite to TRS
He dropped it in a Twitter room.
The real patriots will never stop me
@baked alaska thank you ❤️
I’m new, what’s going on?
not much
about to eat some pasta
check <#356271865876185088> and <#370314272867352577> for happenings