Message from @Kosciuszko
Discord ID: 371821082216235019
There's a fine line
I have arguments for both sides tbh
Gun control for communists and jews
Based @Alfred-22
and non whites
Gun ban might work control ain't gonna do shit
It might
keep in mind when you oppress specific groups of people they are open to rebelion
Much less
people time over time have fought over "equality"
Gun bans only work if you want to get disemboweled by a Communist under a tree.
strasserism NOW
But they won't have the same capabilities
Right Wing 3D Printer Squads
nazbol gang gang
Abolish the constitution, but keep the guns
There will be a difference
What do you guys think of peaceful ethnic cleansing
Lets be civil
Butter knives
People wants guns to be legal because they think it does more good than bad correct?
The only reason the West hasn't been completely dominated yet, is because Americans have guns.
das rite
50-60% of homocides are done with guns correct?
Don't get me wrong
Chinese people will watch a child get run over in the street and walk passed.
I actually support guns
I just like debating
Gaining guns will be much difficult if citizens didn't have it
Banning legal guns will kick off the Civil War at least
I see that