Message from @DerpyOwais
Discord ID: 568646225927340043
Bird, Plane, Flat Earther#6713 (568636892476604416) is now muted for '**Unspecified.**', alright? <:THUMBSUP6:403560443345371137>
again, flat earthers ignoring my question.
I’m not a flat earther
@🅱ruh Sound Effect 2 what question?
if space if fake, what do flat earther's think about absorption/emission lines in spectrographs?
I don't like vegemite.
they prolly think its black magic
huh whats this ice box tattoo
You got a tear drop tattoo.
Right under your eye
aww im more of a dragon tattoo guy
Personally I am a bigger fan of the (Bruh sound effect #1)
by looking at the absorption lines when analyzing a spectrograph, we can determine the composition of a light source such as the sun
dude bruh sound effect #3 is where its at my guy
Wait, double decker pecker wrecker?
Confused 100
Back b@tches
I like batches of cookies
And females
@eletrick33 I don't know man, didn't really hit the home run for me like (bruh sound effect #1) did.
the absorption lines are created when atoms absorb the photons, creating empty lines when viewing the spectrograph. we can look at these lines and determine the composition and elements
Bruh where not learning about quantum mechanics stfu
im not talking to you buddy
I like how one person is thoroughly explaining their evidence on how space exists while the rest of us are being the people we are
Forget that kid
@IronicSquirrel dude bruh sound effect #3 is heavenly
Tryna prove he’s better
its like god sending his angels to sing for you
B@txh Lasagna
Nah man I think you thing (bruh sound effect #1) is (bruh sound effect #3).
again, no words from flat earthers?
hmm ill have another listen to bruh sound effect #1