Message from @Al_Bi
Discord ID: 431629586569363458
it's sad
AFD will win next election
I don't think so
Their whole party basically collapse I've headd
nah, they'll win. People are pissed
Still not extreme enough
It doesn't need to be
Germany needs another Hitler but less extreme
a time will come, but not yet
I hope you're right
But I think right now we should focus on Greece
Because by what you're saying, Greece is heading towards the right direction
If things stay bad, then they'll take power
Do you know much about Austria?
7-10% of parliament in greece is golden dawn if i remember correctly
Are they as bad as Germany?
Sebastian Kurz runs it now, he's alright but not great
This is what I like to see
Broke: Germany needs a new Hitler, but less extreme
Woke: Germany needs a nee Hitler, but more extreme
Tired: America needs a 1776
Wired: America needs 1933
Inspired: America needs 1492
this guy is solid
i like him
>We both spent months campaigning for Carly Fiorina, drawn to her message of “conservative feminism.”
pretty lulz
"and in April, he called for people who worked at CNN to be hanged."
that article is absurd
>omg nick makes $100 a month on hatreon!
Will Nardi is a complete dipshit.
really low IQ
(((college conservatism)))
aka leftism lite
>Nick Fuentes is 1/4 a mix of Spanish and native Mexican
>he's nonwhite