Message from @nationalist4liberty (CI-1)
Discord ID: 436319699010191362
Well, that and whover controls the media and what the masses are getting for info.
Trump is a cuck
Only way for him to win was massive purge and/or martial law. Right when he took office
It’s probably too late now
He let them burrow in
Look Trump is still better than what we would have got with Hillary
Lets be honest we didn't exactly have many options
Trust me I think its more than reasonable to rail and criticize Trump right now
We just gotta see how it all plays out in the end
I think he came in with good intentions
He underestimated his enemies
if clinton had won Assad would be long dead by now
count our blessings
Mcfeels is baste
Mcfeels/Allsup 2020
Everyone else big gay
I say nothing
I think its baloney
Sad world
Idk man
Don't want to risk a dox
do you guys agree that real communists (Citizens of the Soviet Union) are more respectable than those college "communist" students
bascially this meme
They are both degenerate
One actually does something tho. The other just REEE
Our government in Canada has legislation on the way that pretty much removes the conservatives as opposition in the energy sector
Why does this sound so familiar to me
I officially call for the deportation of Black People
Old commies were pretty damn bad too
they raped and murdered priests
Tbh niggers need to make wakanda a reality so I won't feel bad when we decide to deport them all