Message from @Asatru Artist - MD
Discord ID: 508062734579925002
Maybe not baseball, maybe football
Calling it now, it's synchronized swimming, especially when they make a big dragon's eye
not that I'm really one for >sborts like that
but football seems more primal
football with the boys is always fun
full contact if they're up for it
football **is** like 70% black... @TIDE
Yeah, other than playing football yourself, it's done for.
It's as bad as basketball now
IE powerlifting meet is still an idea to chase
I was always a receiver in gym class in high school...height helps.
plus i was terrible at any other position, so...
*It all started with that dangum endzone dancing*
I always hated basketball, and not for the reason you may think.
Just never liked it.
Being an urbanite the call of the concrete jungle calls to me. Playing basketball is an integral part of the hanging with the intercity youths.
It was almost as boring as baseball to watch. Almost.
Because it's lame and boring. Can't touch the opponent.
And being 9ft tall and dunking on a 10ft net isn't impressive
be a manlet and dunk, then I'll watch
besides the fact that none of the women look/act like women.
ive always found basketball playing females to be...eww
volleyball girls though 😍
beat me to it, lol
favorite team sport: curling
Like women's olympic track
or that
anything womens
is generally OK
see I think married men should not watch womens' sports
eh, i don't like watching womens track, because...well you know
Eh, I'm personally a big fan of CS:GO when it comes to sports.
@Asatru Artist - MD mah allah forgive me for saying this, but women's sports are basically a normalized version of porn
hottest take I've ever heard, go on...
that seems a little too purity spirally for me
but continue