Message from @rdp
Discord ID: 485109027949379590
I don't get the joke 😦 @Derde Explain? ^.^
It's a mandjie
Don't worry I got you @ZombieQueen
Thanks! ^.^ @Kuzon Embers
Np xD
(Mandjie = monkey these days)
Ek met my mantjie vragie
Jy met jou rassesakie
Bring tog die ou polisie aan
Sing ons van tranestrome, video en legione
idiote wat Afrikaans nie kan verstaan! (nie!)
Based and redpilled
@Darkseid must i remove it?
did willem actually get stabbed?
@Comrade STALIN yes for the second time
But some say he is being targeted. But tik koppe would of sold there phone/internet for tik
@Comrade STALIN yea
@Meerkat_RSA I mean laughing at a stabbing is a bit of a dick move 🤔
Well yeah it's not a laughing matter, but then again as i understand, he wasn't stabbed... He just got scrapes and bruises.