Message from @bloob16
Discord ID: 487355576876138496
@Apollo what about Afrikaans? Dis mos melk?
i know
I believe
@midwest I wonder how coptic people feel when they see west africans claiming their history...
just believe harder, coptics must have made it up kangz womp womp
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@ZombieQueen this is PEAK virtue signalling
@ZombieQueen Fam 😂 😂 😂
True story. 😂
Omfg 🙄 @Darkseid
@ZombieQueen Bru<:kek:482910570211966986> I want my life to be this easy where I can bitch about seamstresses
SAME 😂 @Darkseid
😮 Wow 🙄
@ZombieQueenhow to wipe out the human race 😂
@ZombieQueen wouldn't a shorter list be people you like😂