Message from @midwest
Discord ID: 484691199081316385
thats only one of the loans
China has pumped 100's of billions $ into SA already
And in a few years these state owned entities will be bankrupt again
They stole the money to begin with. Now they are filling the pockets again.. Just to find another scheme or way to take the money out again
yeah i'm sure a couple of mil/bil goes under the table with those transactions
Basic state owned economics.
corruption has bunkrupted SA
More than we know
They have sold us out to CHina...
Have you ever looked at a state owned entity and gone.. Wow thats a brilliant business model.. We should follow their example?
so stupid that the government does everything in its power to stop every attempt to privatize the electricity providers
yet eskom keeps going bankrupt
China has placed surface to air missiles in ZIm.. to protect its south african "interests"
without a doubt if a private company could build a power station you would see more than one projects go up instantly
Dont forget @midwest ANC would welcome socialism here
Reserve bank is next.. then expropriation of businesses.. houses.. wealth..
mines.. banks.. it will go on and on
They admire Mugabe
yeah, Venezuela. Mugabe, lol what a complete and utter narcissistic rotten person, left a trail of bodies behind him
What did the mugabe regime come down to after expropriation? Death of white people
Connect the dots. snipahh trainahh?
Oy Vey
Sniper Trainer?
Teach me your ways Goldstein
How did I go from being a normal middle class classic liberal.. to being called a right wing supremist ..
And all po;itical news is now FAKE or discredited cos people prefer to bury their heads
If you speak out against EWC you are a racist hitler loving fear mongering racist who doesnt want to share
What has happened?
Stupid and foreign ideas started being entertained and tolerated by those that call themselves liberal. Liberalism is defined as the tolerance for different ideals and values after all.
If you speak the truth you are a nazi
Maybe we should just embrace the "right wing" label. If it means that you are pro-free speech, property rights, the free market, etc...
ya but credible news sources are right wing lies... unless its on news24 its crap according to some
and we all know news24 lies most of the time
I don't mind being called right wing honestly.. Nothing wrong with being pro freedom and individual
Seriously Im shocked
I was told today not to speak out cos its fear mongering and with the current tensions I mustnt stir the pot