Message from @Markek Aurelius
Discord ID: 304027452840083459
I should have known Antifa would be nerfed in the south
@Req baby steps
thanks @BlackMetalWitch
@blurb In the north they are fucking insane.
Oregon and Cali seem to be their base
imagine being this college and getting cucked hard by the state maybe later?
i wonder if the bag checkers are putting gps units in their backpacks
@whatisbestinlife NO GOIYM
"no questions no answers"
I wonder what happened to the 300 Antifa that said that they were gonna show up
2 dozen black bloc refuse to talk
@Darjeeling they realized none of them had rides
>tfw really sleepy and want to go to bed but theres still over an hour untill it starts..
hi senpai
Lee County Scanner
stream where One guy was talking about Anticom
>Antifa escalating
Well we have our work cut out for us
im a thottie
Hola everyone
Should we start coming up with melee doctrine
We need our own classes first
I call rogue
ANTICOM Republic Guard (shield and stick dudes)
ANTICOM Grenadier (guys with M80s)
Do you take fall damage
im making a MAGA riot shield
will send pics