Discord ID: 111813700352016384
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What would it take for a random person like me, to be able to ask a question in the voicechat?
It does
European here
I think I am the only European here
"You would be christian within the hour", moreso implies forceful measures, rather than his own choice
But that's just my 2 cents ;p
How so ?
And how come you haven't swayed Futurestorms yet, then?
Aren't you one of those users?
Oh yeah, so it'd have to take a longer amount of time
Fair point
Would you classify yourself as an Observer or a Starter then?
Just curiousity :)
The person who did not classify himself as a joiner
@!Co-Owner! What type of Christian are you, though?
That's an answer you give when you are asked. But what if we ask the bible? - What does it say about that question ?
I don't think he's implying that you said that :p
So, you have a few questions
He is asking
And I asked you a question
Really interested in the answer to my question
"Well, then why can't i just sit quietly with my KJV in my yard, read peacfully and reference some queries using the web, instead of going to a mass/ritual?"
"That's an answer you give when you are asked. But what if we ask the bible? - What does it say about that question ?"
These 2 questions
Go ahead, friend :)
May I rephrase it first? The second one
Ah, nevermind.
I thought it would be confusing
I've always seen church as polite peer pressure. Tbh. :)
No, what I mean is, is that I wouldn't ever act or speak out of turn, out of respect for the church or the religion - So should I happen to enter one, I end up participating
For the longest time I've been an Atheist
I am questioning, now, though.
Due to recent experiences
Honestly? I think that would be a answer best given in that server of yours
an *
I arrived to the conversation after that :)
Regardless, I am not sure my answer is appropriate for the "Serious chat", it's super morbid and lengthy
I'll summarize it;
I think a lot, always have, always will. Recently I started bringing up questions I couldn't answer myself; God, Heaven, Death
I have OOT, which is a branch of OCD, which is why I think as much as I do
So the topic of Death -really- got into me
That's kind
Trent, is my topic inappropriate ? :p
But yeah. I basically fell into a deep existential crisis. - There are so many more details about it
It was recommended that I sought out a priest, but I never got around to it
Priest, or at least an educated Theist
Just noticed I have "Patriot" - Never knew you could be a European Patriot ;p
No reason to stop someone from recording, that's impossible unless you remove everybody
@vec Yelling and showcasing anger will not push your point more across
@somerussianguy Are you looking for an answer to this?; "What we are doing here, is a micro-action towards our goal, but what would a macro-action be? / I see that a movement has started, but I feel like not enough is happening" ?
I feel like this is what you're trying to say
We need a movement with emphasis on logic
Which we have
Minecraft is transitioning towards being a cashcow
Debate night at "The Right Server"; Screaming and yelling because you disagree
Can we have 10 seconds of silence?
Like, that's a legit method for debate etiquette
Please mute the obviously disruptive people, and continue without them for the time being
Maybe he thinks it's funny
He looks tired just from sitting down
I don't think I've ever met so many people who sounded drunk, without being drunk
It's getting increasingly worse
Is that person from Denmark? Then it would be accurate
Thermoluminescence dating
Widmanstatten patterns
Oxidizable carbon ratio dating
Ice layering
Fission track dating
@Darth Dawkins These limits usually take the form: "Because we observe [X], which occurs at rate [Y], the universe must be at least [Z] years old". There are three standard creationist responses: First, creationists assert that current rates (Y) are different than past rates. It is possible that these rates changed โ but under uniformitarianism, which is necessary for science to function, we must assume that rates did not change unless there is evidence for this change. Second, creationists appeal to the Omphalos hypothesis and argue that God deceptively created the world to appear old. This is an unfalsifiable hypothesis, and is unscientific. Third, creationists ignore the evidence and deny that [X] exists altogether or assert that belief in a Young Earth is based on faith, not science. All of these answers are critically flawed.
Who is Jordan Peterson ?
Also, I am trying to get Dawkins here to understand that just because he asks his questions to the other person, it doesn't mean the other person then automatically have to answer
If the other person doesn't answer the question, he automatically has to answer his own question, to progress
But he doesn't want to answer his own question
So there's no progress, just fingerpointing
Trying to defend you Taco
I might be doing a shitty job of it though
Read what I wrote, from the other side, Taco
Dawkins is asking questions
So, I support you - I think Dawkins is unreasonably impossible to have a conversation with
I wouldn't say beaten
That's just because he has a stonecold perception of how a troll looks like/sounds like
And just labels people immediately
I can't tell if that's his view
I was tagged, what's up ?
I did
Super hilarious
What about it ?
As a non-paramedic who is barely listening to what he is saying: What is wrong with him ?
Thanks for clarifying, Siri
Nah, not a <:dindu:356316970733404161> - Sounds way too pale and weak
It's not secret information
Just google it
Jacob, it bothers me that you said a blatant lie, I disputed it, and you are ignoring it
What establishes that god exists? @Darth Dawkins
Beyond your belief, and various books
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