Discord ID: 261188456649195530
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So basically CC was like the Articles of the Confederation & this is the Constitution.
Radical centrism
Nobel Prize committee gave the Peace Prize to a group that says that Trump's presidency highlights the dangers of nuclear weapons.
Not Kim Jong-Un, launching missiles at Japan
It's Trump.
I'm sure Nobel Prizes aren't politically motivated, though.
>Light theme
I sent one of the mods this for breaking news, but so far nothing.
Rick, go to bed. You're drunk.
Nevermind. Look, I appreciate the distaste people have for the US spending buckets protecting Israel. But the country gets a lot more hate than it deserves, especially in the UN. That last one is largely due to the overwhelming influence of Muslim countries.
Islamic countries universally hate Israel because it's Dar al-Harb in a place that used to be Dar al-Islam. Its very existence challenges the notion that Islam is the true religion.
Okay, how about:
Fuck the UN. Anything that reduces its power and prestige is a good thing.
So it turns out Apple > Google now in terms of values.
Apple's VP of diversity dismissed racial & gender quotas in favor of ideological diversity.
She said that 12 blond-haired, blue-eyed men in a room would be fine with her because the point is individual diversity, not racial or gender diversity.
You could also get Comodo Dragon or Opera
Or just use Edge.
It's time to evacuate the English, Scottish, and Welsh from the island and turn it to glass.
True love died with Grape-kun
Fucking Hell
Hep A is on the rise in California.
Crumbling infrastructure, avoidable natural disasters, and diseased
People be like, "Okay, but why do you need guns?"
And I'm like:
@Morrigi I'm an ass man
Dee da dee dee do
Is that Linus from Linus Tech Tips?
@docwellfish >"Without government, who would stop big corporations from pushing government-enforced contracts on people?"
I love the insane statist logic in these ancap memes. It really shows how incapable statists are of recognizing exactly what exists as a creation of the state.
@Nevermind Something along those lines. But mostly the incompetence of these critcisms irks me. If someone has a valid criticism of any ideology, fine. I bash on libertarians for attacking people more viciously the closer to libertarian they get (Bernie-boy and even Hillary did not get the hate that Trump gets from them), but the shit I see from that particular meme directed at ancaps is just unbelievably idiotic.
"Hurr durr without the government, who will stop McDonald's from registering trademarks on everything with the government?"
That level of idiocy bothers me.
Speaking of...
And now the uniparty makes sense.
Triggered by a cartoon horse
@Me_Irl Yeah, Merkel's pretty shit, TBH.
Generation Z best generation
Okay, I hear you, but while Trump is busy draining the swamp, Chris Ray Gun is sticking his dick in one.
Reality conforms to whatever Trump says.
Trump could say that communism provides a utopia and California would suddenly become the most successful state in the Union.
And then corrected themselves with the incorrect one.
20 minutes later.
That's the point.
@tard wrangler Note the different colors used.
Almost as if I was using the same color for the same person.
It's Twitter.
Go wrangle yourself, man.
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