Max Payne
Discord ID: 274709203212435466
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Muslims are people too you know
It's 2017
You guys wanna see something really funny?
I'm beginning a redpill movie stream
Yates and Clapper let it slip that Flynn was at risk of being blackmailed by Russia.
Who is to say Flynn wasn't ordered by Obama to do something he KNEW was illegal, and that the Russians found out?
Keep in mind Flynn had MAJOR foreign policy disagreements with Obama and was fired for insubordination.
So Obama creates a black PR package once it's announced Mike Flynn will be Trump's NSA guy
The shit about the Russian ambassador is just fodder for the media to feed into the MUH COLLUSION angle.
Why else would Flynn lawyer up and ask for immunity
Again, the fact he was fired for insubordination is key.
Doesn't matter why. He is politically compromised.
My jaw hit the floor when he said, "Clinton broke the law, and even though it's illegal to be irresponsible like she ws, she didn't intend to be irresponsible." The FBI is tarnished over this. Comey is paid to uphold the law.
What kind of public official excoriates a political candidate in a press conference only to say, "Nah, no reasonable prosecuter would bring charges lol"
Then he says "I didn't want to affect the election." You're a politician at that point.
I spoke with an ex FBI guy at my last job. Won't say what I did but he knows people within the agency who wanted Comey gone.
I think something big is going to happen with all this
Obama has no positive legacy. No one talks about him anymore.
But he has no negative one. He CANNOT afford to have this backfire.
I mean tell me what I just said doesn't make sense.
Flynn was a patsy the whole time and Obama was a bitter, petty ideoogue.
And don't even get me started on the psyche of Obama.
Marxist with daddy issues who never had the black experience, who got high with white liberals in Hawaii and is bisexual.
See in 2008 I remember reading these articles about Obama not being black enough
Frank Marshall Davis became his surrogate father and mentor. A Marxist.
Besides Obama is just dour and bitter whenever I see him.
Those damn lizards haven't done good for nobody.
This really, really makes me ponder the situation.
Antifa rally in Texas on June 10, 11am Herman Park, Houston
Who CC here
Who CC here
<@&350739960602689547> stop fucking around and explain to us what happened
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