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Discord ID: 304094144337412106

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What's that sorry I'm new at this discord thing. Also I'm an autistic kike.

Oh gotcha well since I'm a shlomo I probably shouldn't be handling gas unless it's being used on me

Hey look at this based old black guy, he just got shot. The democrats are the real racists

Yeah these niggers in the west should be kissing white peoples asses for giving them civilization

Even though niggers only destroy the gifts white people give them. Fuck niggers

@Europa so fucking true m8 please white people dont ever forget the 14 words I don't wanna live in a world filled with shitskins and niggers

I wanna meet a pure Bavarian phenotype. Being gassed irl by a pure Bavarian would be a high honor

Gonna hit the sack spammed like 3 Pepe's in the marine thread. Night lads

But us kikes are genetic muts. I mean torture and gas us for fun but I doubt you will learn anything fam.

There is a subtlety to women that is hard for most men to understand. Especially me because I'm fucking autistic

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