2 point 2 zero
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Benis :DDDDD
@n meowzers potato
When bronies got offended by /mlpol/ <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> my sides
Its /b/ second brother tbh @Jack of Trades
Us Triggered? looks at the recent purge... Uh sure?...
Only bronies cant handle /mlpol/ but /b/ can
Ah.. dox threat @Rorschach_Crowne you sure you not trigd
Its a intentially indirect threat
Sure... "what if this happend but i don 't support it if it did as well" huh
Oh wow what awkward timeing you mention it during a clown debate not a conicidence at all @Rorschach_Crowne
@Rorschach_Crowne you dont relise it yet?
Ever wonder what it take to trig a bronie?
Nah not it m8
4d chess
Bronies love mlp..
to trig bronies doe..
Is to make fun of the mlp
4d chess
first time using subscribe star <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>
@2K <:trumpepe:588019356215279642>
going to leave this here / honk
@Xaverius ๐ด
@2K we meet again
@2K huh?
did i do something wrong? <:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
<:thinkcide:462282415549841409> cant post jpegs
Q predicted this
ay lmao
I smell the secret Service in chat<:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
Area 51 is where they make the sand
Helium but liquid
What temp does helium become a solid
Igloos are a myth
Cant live in igloos
Indians are from india
We can break the sound barrier if we yell hard enough
Yes lets have a muten only chat, ov vey
@Mikey confess..
@Mikey ....
In da house tonight?
Ov vey lets invent our own wiki
Anyone dere?
@ubermensch what do you mean?...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNgxyL5zEAk aye, me rn
is 8 chan still down?
askin for a friend <:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
so 8 chan still down <:pepesurrender:588020553873358858>
<:thinkcide2:462282425486147585> no one knows
for you
for u @JackH670
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