Discord ID: 400293393407934464
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What would the purpose be of withholding this information?
What are your best guesses?
It seems weird, because it could be said any day and people would still go on about their daily lives
Can you specify how? Im just curious because i believe it is a globe.
Im curious to see what it is that makes you think that hiding a flat earth as a fact leads to control.
Why is a creator limited to flat earth? I think that a creator can exist even with this model.
i only believe in some evolution, but the missing link is that our DNA was manipulated by celestial gods who came to earth.
these gods were extraterrestrials
Its not a religious belief system, its based on an examination of ancient sources.
There are no deities, there are no rites, there are nothing that resembles a belief system. Look it up in a dictionary.
Alright, we agree to disagree, you believe that its a belief system, with apparently no system in place, wonder why that is, and i know its not.
wait why cant i say s***
well thats weird
How is it a bad word
are you the admin?
alright, yeah that was what i wanted to say, i dont see how its bad in that context
do you think it was a bad comment
Well, maybe there is a god, but as for now that is also a belief system dont you think? But even if there is a good, why would aliens not be able to be a part of this world? He could have created the world and aliens perhaps created us. It sounds like the god you are describing created a simulation, that is why god would be outside of time space and matter.
A bit like the architect in the matrix
Im not a flat earther, but its probably because its on the other side of the globe
A sun would light up each side of a flat earth instantly, but it doesnt.
this is how the MERCURY DRIVE would work
Eugene podkletnov, engineer, at the university at tampere made results
@Human Sheeple It is possible it is electromagnetism, i dont know, but i know that this is anti gravity.
While anti gravity is great, it produces no thrust, thrust is gained from the biefeld brown effect used in the B2 Spirit, it can be used without atmosphere. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/246351173060132875/549738686862983168/B2ions.png
This + anti gravity is the real deal
There is, just like there is matter, there is anti matter
Just like there are gravito magnetic fields, there are also destructive interference that can disable that force.
I guess we just need to disagree, however this is a real method to lessen the effects of gravity, meaning that items sustained in this position lessen their weight. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/246351173060132875/549737587875774475/Boeing.png
Anti gravity would be a property of negative mass
Yeah because the gravity well is deeper the closer to the densest point of mass you are.
The CIA cant be trusted in clearing themselves
Well if something is dense enough, it will become a black hole, which has the strongest gravity of everything.
no i believe stars are stars
that is bs
A couple of weeks before 911 an insurance was set into place in case they fell
"UFOs" are technology that we have, but its closed in secret access programs which are heavily compartmentalized. This is the TRUTH about 911, its a long read, but there are names and all. http://alienscientist.com/911.html
this is the TR3B black project
Yeah, that theory reminds me of the one we talked about just now, both use superconductors.
Eugene podkletnov?!
Interesting! I would really like to test it, but imagine how expensive it would be to actually get the lab equipment.
Thats ridiculous, they are so tiny these superconductors i can buy online, and they cost around 500 bucks for a superconductor that is 1 inch in diameter! We need much more.
Do you guys think Paul Hellyer the former canadian defense minister is legit when he says we have been visited by 4 different alien spicies?
data of what
I think the crafts the governments have around the globe are all reverse engineered from the crash at roswell.
What about john hutchinson? do any of you have an idea as to what the effects are that he produced?
Do you guys think that there might be 12 bloodlines from the ancient times that were chosen to rule over the masses that might still be ruling us?
Why did trump say that
what if it was engineered?
what do the numbers mean mason
no, its just a reference to black ops 1
DIA document of things researched by the government
I have also heard that it was located under the ziggurat in iraq, a stargate.
MAYBE... it was also to destroy evidence of ancient advanced cultures...
ISIS also coincidentally destroyed a lot of ancient sites...
Its like there has been a whole war waged against that area for some reason
just that whole area has been targeted and destroyed, it was actually alright back then before the invasions. But since the british imperialism touched the middle east after WW1 it went to shit
I think the ark of the covenant is VERY real, it is a supercharged capacitor, that is what it sounds like from the descriptions of the device.
Vril society and the SS brotherhood of the bell
What do you guys think of the vaimanika shaastra? Its an ancient vedic text talking about ancient beings flying around in mercury powered crafts.
It is a good candidate to create a super ferro fluid which could be used for anti gravity.
Sustain iron particles into the mercury and cool it with liquid nitrogen, get it into a hollow toroid container and spin it around with coils warped around the container, it will flow with zero resistance.
Reasons not to trust the government:
By the way does anyone have any information as to the empire that was erased from history? Grande Tartary.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=msq_eXyA0cA Debunking Judy Wood
Well i cant take you seriously when you havent seen the analysis in the video.
You dont even believe in gravity mate, maybe there are others who are interested in the video.
Are you also going to tell me the earth is flat.
So i apparently struck a nerve, im on the right track.
Thanks, have a good day too, omniscient mad philosopher.
You call me condescending but you started with calling me daft for no reason.
I dont understand why people are getting so heated just because i presented a different perspective.
Because i dont have one, alright i understand, the methodology requires one to experiment with.
I mean it seems more plausible that they just used nano thermite, DEWs sound like some star wars stuff.
Yeah i admit i was wrong
I am familiar with hutchinson and tesla, and his proposed energy beam device. I will have to read up on DEWs.
@tinge_of_ginge I think you misunderstood me, i said that decreasing child mortality in african countries have resulted in decreased population growth, still a positive growth, but just not insanely rapid.
It needs to happen, AI will make humans obsolete.
And we need genetics engineering to make humans usable.
Its not evil because it has to happen
AI will make humans obsolete
Therefore we need to strenghten all the newborns brain to process as much as supercomputers.
I think we should fuse with AI, humans must become bionic beings, created of nano engineered materials that are part biological and part machine.
Hmm, i dont know, but it seems convenient to have a body that can survive in space with photosynthesis with an enhanced brain.
I want humanity to be immortal benevolent beings traversing space and sowing the seeds of life everywhere.
I mean that is the next step for humanity, become immortal and travel space and teach other civilizations.
Meat production is cruel and wasteful because so many calories is needed to produce a single kg of meat, if everyone went to veganism then there would be plenty of food for everyone.
I am very opposed to meat production because of the outrageous cruelty, there is literally no reason to keep them locked up like that, it is heartless to do.
Meat production also poisons ground water with pharmaceuticals because of the grounds permeability.
Destruction of the eco system from the bottom up
However i still think we should ditch meat and cherish life instead of hurting life.
Thorium salt reactors are better
Thorium salt reactors are nuclear energy, but they are much more safe, and can use the used fuels of normal reactors.
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