Nathan AL
Discord ID: 287087378940690433
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Hey guys
@RCO Nick-TX 'deadass'= dead serious, 'on God' = short for "I swear to God" or "I swear on God's name"
It's ebonics
I had to learn it in order to understand half of my teachers
Very few (maybe two of them) are on every few days, the rest are on every few weeks and some are not active at all
I'm very proud of the GA guys, we're all active everyday
Just one as far as I know
Sweet tea>>>>>> any other drink
@Fox Tx I'm up for helping get them back, we'd need a place to put them, though
I don't have a crane
I can borrow a goose neck trailer though
Tie it down enough and you don't have to be the best driver
We can make our own crane
Just need a winch and some timber
Where would we put the monuments?
Anyone have a storage building? Or a fashy book store?
I could help with the technical stuff and meet up time/location and all, but I can't actually go to help, I have to lay low for a while
I would ask for an AL channel, but it would be rlly lonely lol
Lol, Alabama is pretty cucked
That's why I'm the only one from AL in VanAm
AL doesn't have a ds book club. The only other remotely red piled goy is Hunter Wallace
Not sure
I checked
If there is, I over looked it
There's a proudboys branch here?
Oh lol
Damn, yeah definitely
@RCO Nick-TX do the Proud Goys have a discord?
Can you guys get me more info on the Proud Goys?
What's it under? @RCO Nick-TX
Yeah, I can't seem to find anything about Proud Goys
Possibly, except I won't be able to for a while. Have to lay low for the time being
Nice, they live in Montgomery?
Cool, redpill as many as possible lol
Lol, yeah
He's 16, he can't join anyway
Fashy goy?
In AL?
Old enough to join?
@Fox Tx The ASA is retarded
They came to my school once to tell us not to bully autistic kids because it hurt the kid's feelings
lol, I've actually seen a black guy who bleached his skin, he looked so retarded
lol, yeah
there's a few libs at school who say that the Egyptians were black
why would we do that?
the only problem is we'd have to download the porn videos to our comps to edit it, and most cost money
and its degenerate as all hell
oh lol
@Nathan TX We'd still be hearing about it months after it occurred
any time there is a terrorist attack, the left wing media would be even faster to claim it was "right wing extremism" and put the blame on fictional people working with the right-winger who was in the photo
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