Discord ID: 254982214159302658
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Oh yeah?
I know that feel brah
Are we aware of this?
OH damn, I'm making tons of those stickers
What's the Front?
(Will probably do the negative so I can make more.
Making half stacks of 88 pieces of our propaganda. DAM if interested.
I'll probably be going
We already know their goals. They are just now feeling open enough to do it in writing
Lol, part 3 of Veritas vids up.
Keep hitting them boys, they are on the ropes
Oy vey, supporting white interests is LITERALLY Terrorism
When all your opponents have to counter signal all their talking points you know eventually many will realise the truth
On a scale of 1 to 10, how commie is this place?
Vegan based menu with 10$ shrimp or scallops
Black panther fist?
Waitresses is wearing commie overall/apron
We Wuz Zambies n' Sheeeiit
Noice. Are all his stickers cropped on the sides it is it because I'm on mobile?
Doubling 0 is still zero
Take it to pm
Rip fox
It's Anglin shitposting lol
Pm me the link?
Who won
Nigger Fighting League
I thought it he milked it quite well
c-c-combo breaker
Welcome back doctor mayhem
@everyone Riot.im app is being used by others who got Shoahed by discord.
The more scary thing is the new ratio is 56+ AntiFa, 0.5 'Alt-Right'
I miss our old emotes
Sweetness, glad to see you guys there
LOL, press is shit
fucking having to let niggers in -_-
letting in spics
They are going to try to assassinate someone then SHTF
any streams from inside the building?
Lucky didn't get inside
They have been surrounded in liberal safe spaces, indoctrinated to memorize and chant what they are told without question. Critical thinking is shunned and kicked out of the universities. These 'people' can't confront the reality of someone challenging their instilled beliefs so they yell and scream and shout ignoring any ideas or items presented.
That dude wasn't talking about pizza, he was just spaghetti.
Anyone have stream of outside riots?
speech was pretty fire
https://www.pscp.tv/BuzzFeedNews/1ZkKzdDRyewJv BuzzFeed Jew following protestors
Wheres the charger when you need one?
nigger being interviewed who was inside speech "I didn't even know it was going on. Professor shoved me in line to get a ticked and I yelled BLM"
Dude was dumb walking solo
Hillary and Obama is going to jail for TREASON. Hey, at least we got a Nazi arrested for jumping a fence
What are we not attending?
Can we make a children's book?
What are you goys up to?
Fash bus sounds fun
Just letting you guys know I may be moving to New York soon. (Not NYC)
I'd rather pillage and take them as property than hear them speak
international celeb
god fake news
Sitting through tornado near OKC
I look at the middle and think 'default pose'
The absolute state of modern liberals
This is a Big Guy
Litterally Jews, 'taking care' of Kennedy in the name of Russia.
Take the advantage, 'In recently released JFK files blah blah blah'
Rip chat
I could only see <#364051970409103362>
My bad
Presidential Shitposting.
The absolute state of our housing in America. People can't afford mobile homes and the politicians, media analysts and wall Street all say the economy is booming.
206 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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