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For questions about Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

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In kubernetes, I want to restrict my pod scheduling on worker node if memory utilisation of worker node goes above 50% of its capacity?

For eg: worker node(W) have 64GB of memory and 16vCPUs resources assigned to a pod : cpu - 4 , memory- 8GB Now only 4 pods can be scheduled on worker node(W). How can i achieve this ? Node affinity , ...
Swetank Rawat's user avatar
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keda-add-ons-http-interceptor pods are in CrashLoopBackOff - not sure what is missing here [closed]

{"level":"info","ts":1733906885.9611363,"caller":"interceptor/main.go:44","msg":"starting interceptor","timeoutConfig":{&...
user48765's user avatar
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how to connect react to springboot in K8s? frontend not visible on Loadbalancer IP!! React+SpringBoot+AKS,

Both pod's logs are clear, so not have anything to show! i can share the YAML file, in that i have mention frontend.yml env: - name: REACT_APP_BACKEND_URL value: "http://backend-service:...
Atharv's user avatar
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Limiting Access to logs on a specific cluster to Grafana Admins

I have 3 cluster (A-B-C), I installed loki on cluster A using the grafana/loki helm chart, and on cluster B and C I have promtail installed pushing logs to cluster A, how can I make logs collected ...
Abdel's user avatar
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Automatic volume migration following the pod

I have k8s test cluster with 1 master and 2 worker nodes. I created a PersistentVolumeClaim resource using the Hetzner Cloud csi driver. This driver only allows you to create ReadWriteOnce volumes. ...
Дмитрий Жеребец's user avatar
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Cannot perform nslookup inside kubernetes pod

I have installed k3s to some raspberry pis using this ansible script however when i go to install anything, the pods cannot query the coredns pod tom.mclean@node-0:~$ kubectl run coredns-test --image=...
Tom McLean's user avatar
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Preventing HPA Auto-Scaling during Kubernetes deployments when using custom metrics

We have an app that automatically sets up Kubernetes HPA to our customers. We are now using metrics from Prometheus as targets to HPA. These metrics are exported from our Java applications using the ...
brandizzi's user avatar
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Kubernetes Ingress rule with Exact behaves like Prefix

I have a Kubernetes ingress configuration that uses nginx as Ingress Controller. The Ingress template has a for loop that picks up the paths that I define in the values.yaml file as well as the type ...
JoanaDev's user avatar
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Metric to track actual CPU usage

I've been a bit confused by the metrics available for monitoring CPU usage and what I'm looking for is to track actual CPU usage (not just increases) over time. kube-state-metrics exposes a ...
Aashiq Parker's user avatar
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Understanding Kubernetes serviceaccounts and mounted secrets

I am new to Kubernetes and I am trying to understand some basic concepts such as serviceaccounts and secrets. As explained in the Kubernetes docs each pod associated with a serviceaccount has its ...
boraas's user avatar
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ingress failing due to error: path /?(.*) cannot be used with pathType Prefix

I'm trying to deploy this ingress service on AWS EKS. it works locally, but not when deployed to EKS. apiVersion: kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-service annotations: ...
SlowBlurry's user avatar
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security risk with reusing the same UID:GID for users when creating docker containers all deployed to the same cluster

Thanks for taking the time to read my question. I am having trouble understanding the risks with using the same UID and GID for multiple containers deployed in the same kubernetes cluster. Lets say ...
searchbruh's user avatar
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PostgreSQL Pod and Image Pull Issues in AWS EKS Deployment

I am working on deploying Violet Labs' Helm chart on an AWS EKS cluster. Following the setup instructions provided by Violet Labs, the deployment encounters two primary issues: PostgreSQL Pod ...
Quan B's user avatar
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Can't get Hetzner CI/CD deployment working - what machines are available? Is there some other issue?

TL;DR: I can't seem to find working CX22s/32s or CAX11s/21s anywhere. What machine + location combinations are actually available currently? Or do I have some other problem? Main issue: I am a ...
Anomaly's user avatar
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EKS DR Strategy - How to control container activation in warm standby region

I have an EKS cluster with a warm standby in another AWS region for disaster recovery. Some of my containerized applications process data and forward it to other systems - I need to ensure these ...
allyman17's user avatar
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How to force shell interpolation in kubernetes environment variables

I'm using Helm and kubernetes to deploy a number of apps, i'm trying to inject a number of environmental variables using envFrom pointing to an already defined secret. Some of the environmental ...
Alexis Delgado's user avatar
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the traefik 2.10 changed the x-real-ip and x-forwarded-for http header

I am using traefik 2.10 to forward the http request into kuberentes cluster, the http forward path is: web->openresty->traefik->service->pod, in the host (the forward step is openresty->...
Dolphin's user avatar
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Kubernetes stateful pods for individual streams

I have an application which processes a single stream of data. Each stream has a unique identifier and a URL. The number of streams is dynamic, but I only want one instance of the application to ...
jbx's user avatar
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Beginner at Kubernetes - cluster creation not finising - unable to work out why

I'm fairly new to K8s and learning through AWS EKS. I setup a cluster with: cd <some dir> CLUSTER_NAME=k8s-play eksctl anywhere generate clusterconfig $CLUSTER_NAME --provider docker > $...
HankCa's user avatar
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Has anyone gotten Kubernetes ImageVolume working, preferably in Minikube?

I'm trying to Use an Image Volume With a Pod, but having no luck. Wondering if someone has ever gotten it working? My Setup: bash-3.2$ minikube version minikube version: v1.34.0 commit: ...
Abhishek Goel's user avatar
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StatefulSet Status Conditions Field Not Populating

I'm running a StatefulSet in my Kubernetes cluster, but I noticed that the conditions field in the StatefulSet's status is not getting populated. However, when I use a Deployment instead of a ...
Aniketghumed's user avatar
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Client Kubernetes pod can't connect to server pod using internal svc name

I have 2 pods, one for server and one for client. both have services. both services is of type NodePort. basic-to-do-client NodePort <none> 80:32295/TCP 44h ...
stonedvolk's user avatar
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kubernetes rancher - self singed certificate doesn't let me access the site

I want to use a self-signed certificate for Rancher, but instead of the Firefox error: Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead Where I can usually accept the risk and continue, I get this: Did Not ...
Bog's user avatar
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Is there a best practice around sharing a role with multiple namespaces or services?

I noticed that in our cluster, we have dozens of roles which are identical if you ignore unique fields like creationTimestamp, uid, resourcesVersion, labels, name and namespace: The following will ...
Capt. Crunch's user avatar
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question on the meaning of `{}` in k8s NetworkPolicy

I am referring to the below paragraph from Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Study Guide By Benjamin Muschko · 2023. since I am a bit curious to know how the precedence of NetworkPolicy ...
sqr's user avatar
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What are the recommendations to manage Horizontal scaling and HA for Ingress Gateway/ Proxy pods for HTTP2?

Typically for ingress (proxy gateway), there would be proxy pods (For e.g IstioGateway, Nginx) and typically a load balancer service in front of it to expose them externally. The proxy pods could be ...
Vipin Menon's user avatar
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1 answer

How to multiarch Docker build on Kubernetes Pod agents?

My organization uses Jenkins on Kubernetes (deployed with Helm; Pod based agents). With emphasis on pod agent configuration - how can one build multiarchitecture Docker images (like with QEMU & ...
maze's user avatar
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Luna HSM connection establishment from Kubernetes Setup

As you may already know, Luna HSM Clients establish a connection with both certificates and source ip with HSMs. While in the pod based deployment, the ips are dynamic this authentication is not ...
Sumeeth Alladi's user avatar
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K3s NVIDIA Device Plugin Not Detecting GPUs: "No devices found" Error

I'm currently working with a K3s cluster and trying to set up GPU support using the NVIDIA device plugin. However, I'm encountering an issue where the plugin logs show: E1004 13:11:10.866124 1 ...
playwithcode's user avatar
2 votes
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k9s only shows around 50-100 lines of logs, despite more logs being available

I've started using k9s, a TUI for exploring a kubernetes cluster. When I use it to view logs, it however only shows me around 50-100 lines, instead of all the logs, or at least a decent chunk of them. ...
Cornelius Roemer's user avatar
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Upgrade from Kubernetes 1.24 to 1.25 after repo deprecation

Hi as the title says I'm trying to upgrade to kubernetes cluster from 1.24 to 1.25 I've update the yum repo as stated by the kubernetes guide to this but I cant seem to get any kubeadm versions ...
CC2's user avatar
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Can you have kubevirt VMs failover automatically when a node fails?

By failover I mean the kubevirt VMs that were on the failed node should be rebooted back up on a live node. This is similar to how VMs run in a VMware cluster with HA capabilities. Kubernetes clusters ...
madacoda's user avatar
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Unable to Access MediaMTX WebRTC Stream in Minikube Kubernetes Cluster

Mediamtx webrtc stream is not accessible while running inside k8s cluster in minikube I am facing an issue while trying to access a MediaMTX WebRTC stream that is deployed inside a Minikube Kubernetes ...
Jumana Jambughoda's user avatar
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cert-manager and cluster issuer - not registering subdomain

I have this issue with one particular domain. I have a setup in AWS where I deploy apps in EKS via helm-charts (ArgoCD) and if the helm chart has ingress defined ... it registers the domain in Route53 ...
Mr.P's user avatar
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why all my aws-node Pods in CrashLoopBackOff State in Kubernetes Cluster

I'm currently facing an issue with my Kubernetes cluster where all the aws-node pods in the kube-system namespace are in a CrashLoopBackOff state. Here are the details of my setup: Kubernetes Version: ...
Sudhanshu Sinha's user avatar
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How to import running helm release into ArgoCD

For our production clusters we want to adopt ArgoCD for the managemend of the cluster state. We currently have many custome helm-charts deployed into this cluster, some of these are quite old. Let's ...
Ackdari's user avatar
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Cannot access the service on k3s

I'm new to Kubernetes and I'm setting up my first project. The application responds with a hello world message on the '/' route. Here is my deployment file: apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment ...
Karol's user avatar
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How to resolve ‘The node was low on resource: ephemeral-storage’?

I am currently trying to run a kubernetes job. The job has several pods, and these pods run on 3 different nodes. I am constantly running into This issue - Message: The node was low on resource: ...
The Beast's user avatar
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Running bash scripts against a K8S Manifest file which uses Helm templating

I want to run a kubesec scan against some of my K8S manifest files, the issue is that I'm using Helm templating in my files and when I try to execute a simple bash script I get errors like these ...
nearprinciple's user avatar
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Prioritizing scheduling with Kubernetes

I have a case where I create 1000 low-priority pods on 20 nodes (one pod can run on one node), to run all 1000 pods will take a few days. Meanwhile, I want to run another high-priority pod and ensure ...
inet123's user avatar
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Getting Empty reply from server when curling using Consul - Config entry not found for \"proxy-defaults\" / \"global\"

This question is related to Consul. I am struggling with Consul for a while to get things working. To summarize I have 1 K8S and 1 Nomad cluster. I also have 1 Consul Server deployed externally of the ...
Stackn00b's user avatar
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Kubernetes HPA not working with Datadog metric

I am trying to autoscale PODs based on custom metric from DatadogMetric. I have followed the documentation on Datadog to create a DatadogMetric and the use it in your HPA as External metric. My ...
abhishek roy's user avatar
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Jfrog artifactory helm upgrade to newer version

I have JFrog Artifactory version 7.16 installed via Helm in my Kubernetes cluster, and I want to upgrade it to version 7.90. What is the best way to do this? The documentation only mentions a simple ...
hamed's user avatar
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3 answers

I created an Amazon EKS Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, but now I do not have access to any of the resources, and kubectl fails due to credentials

This question seeks a solution for the following errors If you create an EKS cluster using terraform, and then use the same credentials you used to create the cluster, but see these errors, then what ...
Seth E's user avatar
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Assign static IP to Kubevirt VM pod

I'm trying to assign a static IP address to a Kubevirt VM pod. My goal is to be able to access the pod using the static IP over the network outside of Kubernetes. Here's my config: apiVersion: ...
user2233706's user avatar
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Skewed (but deterministic) load distribution on OpenShift 4

We are migrating from OpenShift 3 to 4. Our application has an NGINX proxy in the DMZ namespace and the app is running in another namespace, exposed as services with ClusterIP. The NGINX simply refers ...
Openshifter's user avatar
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2 answers

Passing ENV VAR via ConfigMap does not work

apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: time-config data: TIME_FREQ: "6" --- apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: name: time-check spec: containers: - name: time-check ...
user27155638's user avatar
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Issue static wildcard certificate with cert-manager

Is there a way to issue custom static wildcard certificate with cert-manager? We have a wildcard certificate and we want cert-manager to issue all Ingress certificates with this wildcard certificate. ...
HBasiri's user avatar
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After installing the cilium network, the node is in NotReady for a long time. It can be updated to Ready after restarting

I created a container network through helm in the installed kubernetes cluster, but the node was always in NotReady after creation. I accidentally restarted the server and found that the node status ...
user27073590's user avatar
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Kubernetes: Mapping a Service to a Deployment with YAML files

I’m new to Kubernetes and learning about Deployments, Services, and Ingress as part of a CKAD video course. I created a YAML file for a Deployment, and a separate YAML file for a Service, and I’d ...
MicrocontrollersToo's user avatar

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