Of course, as soon as I say something about my blogging streak, I break it. Figures.
So I missed a day. Oh well, it was bound to happen sooner or later!
Today we reached a bit of a milestone.
First of all, the fact that I got up and made it to church with just me and the kids was pretty amazing. I hate to admit that our Sunday attendance to church has been sporadic this past year. It just seemed that there was always an excuse not to go. And going to church on a Sunday became occasional instead of the norm. And if Chip was working...forget about it. It was just "too much trouble" for me to go with just the kids and no help from him! I'm not proud of it, but that's the way it's been.
Last Sunday we made it...the first Sunday of a new year...a good start. I really wanted a new normal, which includes getting back regularly to church, even if it's not easy or convenient. To be completely honest though, if it had still been pouring down rain this morning, I probably would have rolled over and gone right back to sleep. But it wasn't. And I still stayed in bed much later than I'd planned...so late that I really considered staying there. But I made myself get up, and I'm glad I did.
Now, back to the milestone. For four years, on the Sundays we have been in church, Ruthi has stayed in the service with us. I never had a desire to put her in the nursery...there were several reasons, a big one being I didn't want to have to serve time in there! I love working in children's ministry, but I'm so over the nursery days...did NOT want to do it. And I just couldn't in good conscience put her in there and then conveniently not be available when it was my time to serve. So I didn't put her in there at all.
In August, she was old enough (that's when the age changeover is - when school starts back) to go to the preschool class. But I was having a difficult enough time getting her to go to Rainbows on Wednesday nights. She stayed in the beginning because I was in there teaching. So when August came, she finally would go to class without me...with teachers she knew and was comfortable with now. The thought of trying to adjust her on Sunday mornings too was just too much for me. And she didn't want anything to do with it. But I've been thinking recently that it might be a good time to try again.
Last Sunday, as we sat in church, she was getting restless. So I decided to bring it up again. I waited until yesterday, and started telling her how much fun she would have, and that she wouldn't have to sit still and be quiet for so long if she'd go to class. I let her know that her friends would be there and that I knew she'd love it. So she looks at me and says, "I think I want to check it out."
This morning as we were getting ready, she made sure I knew that she still wanted to "check it out." So I talked to her a little more and made sure she realized that the teachers wouldn't be the same, but everything else would be familiar. She was ready.
So I took her over, and after just a few seconds of encouragement, she went into the play room. (This is where they go until all teachers are ready to take them.) She wanted to make sure I wasn't going anywhere yet, so I told her I'd be around for a few minutes. Then I found out who her teacher was and was able to introduce her and make a connection (I taught her little girl years ago when she was 3). Ruthi thought that was cool, and seemed immediately comfortable with her. I was so thankful! So I gave her a hug and kiss and told her I'd be back.
When I went back to get her, she was so excited. I put her coat on and started out the door, and she announced, "I don't want to go!" I think she liked it just a little bit! She's already excited about going back to class next Sunday.
I couldn't be happier. And now that she knows that she can go there, she's going to give me a really hard time if I'm tempted to stay home! That's a good thing!
Now if I'd taken a picture of her going there this morning, it would have been the perfect photo for today. But I didn't. Oh well.
I'm still waiting for my kit - I sure hope it comes tomorrow, but I'm still getting my pictures made every day. Some days are easier than others, but I'm having fun. So now I have yesterday and today's pictures.
Jan. 10

Ruthi really loves her stuffed animals. She calls them her friends. And at least half of them are in her bed. She's not happy unless they are lined up in her bed. As you can see, the bed is getting quite crowded! There's barely room in there for her. Which I suppose is not such a big deal, since she won't sleep in there half the time anyway! But I am hoping to get that to change soon! She's never been a great sleeper, and sleeps much better ON me! But since she's turned 4, she's actually been sleeping better, so I'm hoping the next step is to get her to stay in her bed all night! Anyway, I thought her "friends" looked cute all lined up, and wanted to capture it before she outgrows it!
Jan. 11

This is Denise with Ruthi. Denise lives next door and Ruthi LOVES her! (And Denise loves Ruthi too!) Tonight the kids and I went over there for dinner (which was delicious, by the way). I had not taken a picture yet today, so this was perfect. Ruthi with her "other mom". Actually, both of the kids play around and call her mom. It's going to be a sad day when they have to move. Jorge (her husband) is in the Army, and it's likely they will have to move at some point...hopefully later than sooner. I don't think either of my kids are going to know what to do without them next door! But hopefully we won't have to worry about that for quite a while. But for now Ruthi gets plenty of hugs from mom #2!